disaster-robotics-proalertas / usv_sim_lsa

Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds
Apache License 2.0
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port code to ros-melodic #53

Closed varunk122 closed 3 years ago

varunk122 commented 3 years ago

I have tried to port your code for ros-melodic and gazebo-9. I got no error while building the pkg after porting it . Looks like I have done something wrong. I got an error while running the command -

roslaunch usv_sim airboat_scenario1.launch parse:=true

================================================================================REQUIRED process [scene_to_spawner-2] has died! process has died [pid 16436, exit code 1, cmd /home/varun/ros/wave_ws/install_isolated/share/freefloating_gazebo/scripts/uwsim_scene_to_gazebo_spawner.py /home/varun/ros/wave_ws/install_isolated/share/usv_sim/launch/scenarios_launchs/airboat_scenario1.launch name:=scene_to_spawner log:=/home/varun/.ros/log/0db8ce2a-d5c5-11ea-9900-1c1bb5ea32e7/scene_to_spawner-2.log]. log file: /home/varun/.ros/log/0db8ce2a-d5c5-11ea-9900-1c1bb5ea32e7/scene_to_spawner-2*.log Initiating shutdown!

[scene_to_spawner-2] killing on exit [rosout-1] killing on exit [master] killing on exit

Please help!

Elly0723 commented 3 years ago

I met this problem too! Any one could help?