disaster-robotics-proalertas / usv_sim_lsa

Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds
Apache License 2.0
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Some questions in using environment disturbance. #54

Open sun20190512 opened 3 years ago

sun20190512 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I want to change the water current and wind current to do some simulates in different environment. I followed the instructions in README, and changed the "watertype" variable in "spawn_ airboat.launch" to "local", but appeared “Failed to call service watercurrent airboat:: base_link” when I launch airboat_senerio1. 2020-09-05 23-54-16屏幕截图 I try to solve this problem, I found that the service topic "waterCurrent" which used to provide water current was not launched. And the script "water_HECRAS" was not activated either. I can't found where to launch "water_HECRAS". On the other hand, I see in water_Hecras has lines about HDF files, but I did not find HDF files in the project. I would like to ask how to use the "local pattern", and if this feature open source.

I saw scenes of different wind speeds and water velocities in the video in README, and I want to know where to change the wind speeds and water velocities in the src.

Thank you!

RobinBaruffa commented 3 years ago

From what I understand, external software where used to simulate the water and wind current. Then this data is transformed into an occupancy grid using the python scripts windLBP.py and water_HECRAS.py I reckon Paravisi used t3.p01.hdf as a water velocity field, along with a .yaml file. It is said in his paper that the Hec RAS simulator was used.

After that one needs to rosrun water_current windLBM.py [path_to_yaml_file] The python scripts first creates the occupancy grid with all the fluid speed vector field, and then creates a service host so that the FreeFloatingPlugin attached to your boat can ask what is the local value of the water current.

In /home/akr-bdx/NAFEA/usv_sim_lsa_ws/install_isolated/share/water_current/maps/HECRAS/diluvio1.yaml the path of the .hdf file has been set manually to/home/paravisi/hecrasmaps/diluvio1-7m/

I suspect they either forgot to submit the file (which is unlikely as it was already in the /home/akr-bdx/NAFEA/usv_sim_lsa_ws/install_isolated/share/water_current/maps/ folder), or they couldn't publish it publicly for IP reasons.

Jota1105 commented 1 year ago

hello, I would like to ask about the .hdf files to be able to make the simulations present in the project, how could I access them? or how could I execute one of the tests proposed in the project? thank you.