discipl / Waardewisselaar

Deze repository betreft: Waardewisselaar als onderdeel van Discipl Core in opdracht van de Manifestgroep.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 0 forks source link

Toevoegen Contributing Guidelines #33

Open jgroenen opened 6 years ago

jgroenen commented 6 years ago

Bron: https://opensource.guide/starting-a-project/

"Writing your contributing guidelines

A CONTRIBUTING file tells your audience how to participate in your project. For example, you might include information on:

How to file a bug report (try using issue and pull request templates) How to suggest a new feature How to set up your environment and run tests In addition to technical details, a CONTRIBUTING file is an opportunity to communicate your expectations for contributions, such as:

The types of contributions you’re looking for Your roadmap or vision for the project How contributors should (or should not) get in touch with you Using a warm, friendly tone and offering specific suggestions for contributions (such as writing documentation, or making a website) can go a long way in making newcomers feel welcomed and excited to participate."