disconnect / apache-websocket

Apache WebSocket module
Apache License 2.0
196 stars 46 forks source link

Feature request : Proxy query to any tcp websocket daemon instead use another C plugin... #1

Open scramatte opened 13 years ago

scramatte commented 13 years ago

It would be very cool to have an apache websocket module able to redirect with any kind of tcp websocket daemon. We are programming in PHP and we already have working daemon. But for example we can't use wss (ssl) and we must open another port in our firewall that might result in a security breach...

It seems that this module bellow do it what we need with Light Http ! http://github.com/nori0428/mod_websocket/

Unfortunately apache2 is a requirement for us ...

Thank you

lwille commented 13 years ago

This would be a nice out-of-the-box feature for this module.

I'm looking for an easy way to proxy websockets to my node.js application through apache2.

disconnect commented 13 years ago

Are you looking for the apache-websocket module to process the packets and communicate at the message level, or redirect the raw traffic and have the node.js application deal with the websocket packet handling?

lwille commented 13 years ago

I need the raw traffic, as my node app is already communicating via websockets. And because websockets don't work via mod_proxy, I have to expose the port of my node app (which is ok for development, though). Do you have a solution?

revnode commented 12 years ago

I need the raw traffic, as my node app is already communicating via websockets.

Same exact situation as well. Would be a great addition!

jarib commented 12 years ago


abligh commented 12 years ago

Done here: http://blog.alex.org.uk/2012/02/16/using-apache-websocket-to-proxy-tcp-connection/

revnode commented 12 years ago

It's my understanding that the above strips the websocket protocol. Is there anything that proxies the raw traffic?

xiaods commented 11 years ago

@revnode it seem only haproxy way for proxies the raw traffic.

disconnect commented 11 years ago

Check out the proxy branch. It is experimental and needs further robustness improvements and features, but it is a start.

xiaods commented 11 years ago

@disconnect do you know anyone have a try with the proxy branch? i don't know how to cnofig in httpd.conf.