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API requests for vk.com (VKontakte) #229

Closed NekR closed 1 year ago

NekR commented 3 years ago

Hello! I'm Arthur, I work for vk.com (VKontakte).

Right now, vk.com resides in Social category in this list. It makes sense, since vk.com is a social network.

Recently, vk.com started becoming a Superapp. This is means, vk.com is being in the center of a large ecosystem and many service work through it.

For example, every service in Mail.ru Group is migrating to an authentication through connect.vk.com. Authentication was an issue for us as well, since some browsers block requests to vk.com -- we couldn't use direct inclusion of our scripts on other domains to provide authentication.

Right now, we are facing another issue. Other services in our ecosystem needs to do requests to our API (api.vk.com). Those services live on other domains (e.g. something.com) and do not have their own API. It's solely based on connect.vk.com authentication and api.vk.com API.

This means such services would be blocked in cases when Disconnect list is used by the browsers and whole websites wouldn't work.

Is there a way to resolve this issue?


ElForastero commented 3 years ago

The issue is still present.

I represent the developers of an educational app that is based on the vk.com ecosystem.

We experience many issues with authentication and other API calls since vk.com and userapi.com are blocked.

Our support team receives a lot of requests and complaints from users who cannot continue to use our app in some browsers, like MS Edge.

Thisman commented 2 years ago

Hi! Is anything updates in this issue? @disconnectme

spirillen commented 2 years ago

How about simply blacklist it and Boycott all of Russia until it extract there tropes from Ukraine? and support Democracy?

ElForastero commented 2 years ago

How about simply blacklist it and Boy cut all of Russia until it extract there tropes from Ukraine? and support Democracy?

Do you think Putin cares about social networks? I doubt it.

Dr-Mx commented 2 years ago

Having the same same blocking issue with maps.mail.ru and using their Overpass API.

spirillen commented 2 years ago

Now we know ho is pro Putin and against democracy, free will and elections.

Pro Putin