disconnectme / disconnect-tracking-protection

Canonical repository for the Disconnect services file
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VGWort cookies should (likely) not be blocked as tracking cookie #238

Closed scheinercc closed 1 year ago

scheinercc commented 3 years ago

Translated from a German

Another example of tracking-free cookies are those of VG Wort, which are played out on many publishers' websites to enable the allocation of annual royalties to authors, but do not create cross-offer user profiles.

Source (German): https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Cookies-Konsens-und-Co-Duerfen-wir-um-ihre-Zustimmung-bitten-4981016.html?wt_mc=rss.red.ho.ho.atom.beitrag.beitrag

Based on the quote above these cookies are not "following you from site to site to gather data about what you do online".


-- FYI, this is a port from https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1680912

disconnectus commented 1 year ago

We found no evidence on vgwort website committing not to track users as we define that term.