disconnectme / disconnect-tracking-protection

Canonical repository for the Disconnect services file
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Please consider unmarking fundraiseup.com as a Fingerprinter #261

Closed nia-fundraiseup closed 3 years ago

nia-fundraiseup commented 3 years ago

Since June 2020 when our script was triaged and added to Disconnect's list, we've removed fingerprinting functionality (we used to depend on fingerprint.js and no longer do). Our script is always provided from cdn.fundraiseup.com; please feel free to see a live example of how it's used for nonprofit fundraising at demo.fundraiseup.com.

Due to our continued inclusion in the list, cdn.fundraiseup.com is periodically blocked as a Fingerprinter, and our clients get reports that visitors using Firefox's default privacy settings cannot see their buttons or make donations through the checkout modal, as our script is blocked by their browsers as a Fingerprinter.

Please let me know if you require any information or additional context, and thanks for your time! Nia