disconnectme / disconnect-tracking-protection

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Please consider removing WeatherWidget.io from your "Analytics" list #273

Closed TheoL closed 2 years ago

TheoL commented 2 years ago


I am the developer of WeatherWidget.io and last month I opened an issue for removing WeatherWidget.io from your "Analytics" and "FingerprintingInvasive" lists.

WeatherWidget.io was removed from your "FingerprintingInvasive" list, but it remained in your Analytics list.

WeatherWidget.io is not used for any form of analytics on the websites it is embed in. After communicating with disconnect.me over email, I was told to make this even more clear in the Privacy Policy, something which has been done by adding the following statement:

"Nothing in this policy contradicts the following statement: WeatherWidget.io does not collect, retain or share any data regarding a particular user or device (including IP addresses and user identifiers) on sites or apps not owned by WeatherWidget.io" https://weatherwidget.io/privacy-policy/

Please review this update and remove WeatherWidget.io from your list. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do.

Thank you

TheoL commented 2 years ago

When will Firefox sync their list at https://github.com/mozilla-services/shavar-prod-lists/blob/master/disconnect-blacklist.json ?

Their last update was on the 22nd of July, and my service continues to be blocked by Firefox even though it has been removed from disconect.me 3 months ago.

patjack commented 2 years ago

@TheoL this change will be applied with this PR: https://github.com/mozilla-services/shavar-prod-lists/pull/553