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Add 6sense as fingerprinting #296

Closed luciddreamz closed 1 year ago

luciddreamz commented 2 years ago

The company has lots of articles about how their tech is built around fingerprinting: https://6sense.com/resources/account-identification/6sense-match-rates-explained-capturing-intent-and-identifying-accounts

See it in use on www.redhat.com. Scripts are loaded from j.6sc.co, tracking pixels are at b.6sc.co, and API requests are served off of epsilon.6sense.com.

IP address and user agent are the primary info they appear to be using to uniquely identify individuals with a high degree of confidence (along with user behavior like time between requests from the IP+user-agent combo). According to 6sense's own marketing website they're also using other fingerprinting signals.

You can open www.redhat.com in a private browser window, close Firefox, and then re-open Firefox along with a new private browser window and the system resets cookies with the same unique visitor ID. If you repeat this process and change user-agents 6sense will still identify you by company, but as a different unique visitor. If you change IP address 6sense will (at least temporarily) lose track of it's ability to link you to your company until it gets some more signal back. They made a pretty good system, but it's 100% based on fingerprinting hah.

luciddreamz commented 2 years ago

For reference 6sense also holds a patent for fingerprinting based on a combo of IP address and user behavior: https://patents.google.com/patent/US10536427B2/en

You'll see their patent cites other patents like "Network Acquired Behavioral Fingerprint for Authentication" and "System and method for profiling different users having a common computer identifier."