disconnectme / disconnect-tracking-protection

Canonical repository for the Disconnect services file
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Please add api.adinplay.com and elb.the-ozone-project.com #338

Closed andris86 closed 6 months ago

andris86 commented 6 months ago

Domain(s) to review. Separate them by comma.

api.adinplay.com, elb.the-ozone-project.com

Rationale for removing, adding, or recategorizing.

These domains initiate connections with multiple other tracking domains.

Where domain(s) observed. Separate them by comma.


Additional notes

No response

disconnectme commented 6 months ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This issue is currently under review.

andris86 commented 6 months ago

@disconnectme I just found another: https://cdn.qwtag.com/bec13b07-c1ea-48c1-9edd-2b854d37fe0d/qw.js at https://www.twoplayergames.org/game/nightmare-runners. It initiates connections with many other trackers.

Kclynn77 commented 6 months ago

I absolutely do not know how to do all this. I'm in process of taking classes to learn all this language. I don't know what I've done wrong here. How to correct it but I am learning and I'm getting myself educated. So I don't make these mistakes again or whatever mistakes i'm making