disconnectme / disconnect-tracking-protection

Canonical repository for the Disconnect services file
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b3mxnuvcer.com analytics #368

Closed andris86 closed 1 month ago

andris86 commented 1 month ago

Domain(s) to review. Separate them by comma.


Rationale for removing, adding, or recategorizing.

collecting information about users device

Where domain(s) observed. Separate them by comma.


Additional notes

Repeatedly requests api.b3mxnuvcer.com/sdk/event/update_properties initiated by asset.b3mxnuvcer.com/b3mxnuvcer.js.

Payload is encoded. After decoding it using ChatGPT (it was mentioning Caesar cipher), the following phrases appear in payload:

User ID Event Name: revenuhero Event Properties Page Title: RevenuHero 1 Mrfound lead conversion * scheduling Reference Domain, URL, Page Value URL Page Load Time Platform, Screen Width, Screen Height Auto: true

disconnectme commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the submission, this issue is under review. Closing for now, will update thread if action taken.