Add a single command to view privacy data. The bot should respond with information about data collection and how to remove stored data.
Example response:
* Diabot never automatically stores your messages
* Diabot looks at your messages to convert glucose values, these are never stored.
* Other users may quote your messages, and find your quoted messages
* Your messages were quoted <number> times
* Use `/delete quotes` to remove all your quoted messages
* Use `/quotes mine` to list all your quoted messages
* Use `/quotes privacy [public/private]` to show or hide your quoted messages, and to prevent new quotes from being added
* You may store your Nightscout details so that diabot may show your glucose values in chats
* Diabot knows your Nightscout URL: <url>
* Diabot knows your Nightscout token.
* Your Nightscout data is made public in <number> servers
* Use `/nightscout set globalprivacy private` to set your Nightscout data to private everywhere
* Use `/delete nightscout [url/token/all]` to remove your Nightscout data
Add a single command to view privacy data. The bot should respond with information about data collection and how to remove stored data.
Example response: