discord-jda / JDA

Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord https://discord.com
Apache License 2.0
4.33k stars 735 forks source link

Mutable Guilds #2705

Closed NoPro200 closed 3 months ago

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

General Troubleshooting

Version of JDA


Expected Behaviour

it is expected that there will be no errors

Code Example for Reproduction Steps

I don't know where in the code this happens

Code for JDABuilder or DefaultShardManagerBuilder used

String status;
        status = "auf NoPro200 Community";
        JDABuilder jda = JDABuilder.createDefault(TOKEN)

                        new helpcommand(),
                        new TeambewerbungNoProCB(),
                        new EntbannungsantragNoPro200Community(),
                        new EntbannungsantragNoProCB(),
                        new userreport(),
                        new teambewerbungnopro200community(),
                        new addreactionnewschannelnopro200community(),
                        new youtubevideovorschlag(),
                        new joinleaveservermessagge(),
                        new Embederstellen(),
                        new slashcommandregister(),
                        new newsfeed(),
                        new logofflineandonline(),
                        new ping(),
                        new avatar(),
                        new userinfo(),
                        new report(),
                        new übersicht(),
                        new partner(),
                        new download(),
                        new feedback(),
                        new ticketsystem(),
                        new umfragensystem(),
                        new interactionlog(),
                        new serverstats(),
                        new discordservermaintanance(),
                        new wartungsarbeitenautorole(),
                        new banandunban(),
                        new addandremovefromticket(),
                        new emojiinfo(),
                        new tempchannel1(),
                        new voiceactivity(),
                        new botcommands(),
                        new vorlagen(),
                        new buttonsfürdiebibliothek(),
                        new selectmenuesfürdiebibliothek(),
                        new messageinfo(),
                        new clear(),
                        new unserebots(),
                        new autopublish(),
                        new automod(),
                        new giveaway(),
                        new messageAndUserCountLog(),
                        new autorenameforpost(),
                        new TopVoiceChannelUserCount(),
                        new MessageCountLog(),
                        new convertext(),
                        new onGuildJoin(),
                        new getTranscripts(),
                        new casinoEconomy(),
                        new InviteBlocker(),
                        new create_redirect(),
                        new warnSystem(),
                        new musik.cmds.play(),
                        new volume(),
                        new stop(),
                        new skip(),
                        new pause_resume(),
                        new showQueue()

                .enableIntents(GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS, GatewayIntent.GUILD_PRESENCES, GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT, GatewayIntent.GUILD_VOICE_STATES)
                .enableCache(CacheFlag.ONLINE_STATUS, CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE);

        bot = jda.build();

Exception or Error

2024-07-17 21:41:45 [GuildSetupController] [WARN] Automatically marking 1 guilds as unavailable due to timeout!

this message comes after about 1 minute and 15-19 seconds and after that the bot only works
MCausc78 commented 3 months ago

This is not error, JDA was unable to query members from one of guilds, so it was marked unavailable (probably of outage).

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

This is not error, JDA was unable to query members from one of guilds, so it was marked unavailable (probably of outage).

how can i fix this? because this is very important to me because i don't want to wait 1 minute and 30 seconds after every start

freya022 commented 3 months ago

How many guilds is it on? How many members?

In any case I would not recommend caching all members

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

How many guilds is it on? How many members?

In any case I would not recommend caching all members

Guilds: 3 Members: 202, 4, 5

Which cache exactly?

freya022 commented 3 months ago

About the member cache policy, and chunking filter, but I don't think it causes issues with a few members.

Have you also tried when not using any listeners

Can you send your build.gradle/pom.xml

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">



        <name>Lavalink Repository</name>



                            <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

without the Listeners it works :(

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

here is the Problem: package logs.analytics;

import main.Hauptklasse; import main.errortriggercode; import main.secrets; import main.variable; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.guild.GuildReadyEvent; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.guild.member.GuildMemberJoinEvent; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.guild.member.GuildMemberRemoveEvent; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.message.MessageReceivedEvent; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.ListenerAdapter; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;

import java.io.File; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Connection; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class messageAndUserCountLog extends ListenerAdapter {

public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
    if (!event.getMessage().getAuthor().isSystem()) {
        if (!event.getAuthor().isBot()) {
            try {
                LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
                String dateString = currentDate.toString();

                int messageCount = getMessageCountFromDiscord(Hauptklasse.connNormal, dateString) + 1;

                if (messageCount == 1) {
                    String sql = "INSERT INTO message_counts (date, messagecount) VALUES (?, ?)";
                    PreparedStatement statement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(sql);
                    statement.setString(1, dateString);
                    statement.setInt(2, messageCount);
                } else {
                    String sql = "UPDATE message_counts SET messagecount = ? WHERE date = ?";
                    PreparedStatement statement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(sql);
                    statement.setInt(1, messageCount);
                    statement.setString(2, dateString);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                errortriggercode.sendERROR(e.toString(), "messageAndUserCountLog.java");

private static int getMessageCountFromDiscord(Connection connection, String dateString) throws SQLException {
    int count = 0;

    String selectSql = "SELECT messagecount FROM message_counts WHERE date = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, dateString);

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    if (resultSet.next()) {
        count = resultSet.getInt("messagecount");

    return count;

public void onGuildMemberJoin(GuildMemberJoinEvent event) {
    if (event.getGuild().getId().equals(variable.ServerID)) {
        changevalue(event.getGuild().getId(), event.getJDA());

public void onGuildMemberRemove(GuildMemberRemoveEvent event) {
    if (event.getGuild().getId().equals(variable.ServerID)) {
        changevalue(event.getGuild().getId(), event.getJDA());

public void onGuildReady(GuildReadyEvent event) {
    if (event.getGuild().getId().equals(variable.ServerID)) {
        changevalue(event.getJDA().getGuildById(variable.ServerID).getId(), event.getJDA());

public static void changevalue(String guildid, JDA jda) {
    try {
        LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
        String dateString = currentDate.toString();

        int memberCount = 0;
        try {
            memberCount = jda.awaitReady().getGuildById(variable.ServerID).getMemberCount();
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        if (!isEntryExists(dateString, Hauptklasse.connNormal)) {
            String sql = "INSERT INTO member_counts (guild_id, date, membercount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
            PreparedStatement statement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(sql);
            statement.setString(1, guildid);
            statement.setString(2, dateString);
            statement.setInt(3, memberCount);
        } else {
            String sql = "UPDATE member_counts SET membercount = ? WHERE guild_id = ? AND date = ?";
            PreparedStatement statement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(sql);
            statement.setInt(1, memberCount);
            statement.setString(2, guildid);
            statement.setString(3, dateString);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        errortriggercode.sendERROR(e.toString(), "messageAndUserCountLog.java");

public static boolean isEntryExists(String dateString, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    String selectSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM member_counts WHERE date = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, dateString);

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    int count = resultSet.getInt(1);

    return count > 0;

public static String htmlCode(String guildid, JDA jda) {
    try {
        int[] memberCountForLast7Days = getMemberCountForLast7Days(guildid, Hauptklasse.connNormal);
        int[] messageCountFromTheLast7Days = getMessageCountForLast7Days(Hauptklasse.connNormal);
        int[] voicechanneltotaldurationinminutescount = getVoteCount(Hauptklasse.connNormal);
        int[] voicetopusercount = getTopVoiceUserCountForLast7Days(Hauptklasse.connNormal);

        String[] topUserIds = getTopUserIds();

        String username1 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[0])[0];
        if (username1.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username1 = username1.substring(0, username1.length() - 5);
        String username2 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[1])[0];
        if (username2.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username2 = username2.substring(0, username2.length() - 5);
        String username3 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[2])[0];
        if (username3.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username3 = username3.substring(0, username3.length() - 5);
        String username4 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[3])[0];
        if (username4.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username4 = username4.substring(0, username4.length() - 5);
        String username5 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[4])[0];
        if (username5.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username5 = username5.substring(0, username5.length() - 5);
        String username6 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[5])[0];
        if (username6.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username6 = username6.substring(0, username6.length() - 5);
        String username7 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[6])[0];
        if (username7.endsWith("#0000")) {
            username7 = username7.substring(0, username7.length() - 5);

        String profilepicture1 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[0])[1];
        String profilepicture2 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[1])[1];
        String profilepicture3 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[2])[1];
        String profilepicture4 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[3])[1];
        String profilepicture5 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[4])[1];
        String profilepicture6 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[5])[1];
        String profilepicture7 = getAvatarAndTag(topUserIds[6])[1];

        int[] Messagecount = getMessageCountsForTopUsers(Hauptklasse.connNormal, topUserIds);

        StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(
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                        "    <meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Hier findest du ein paar Analytics zu der NoPro200 Community\" />\n" +
                        "\t  <meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"https://i.imgur.com/cfqN05p.png\" />\n" +
                        "\t  <meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https://nopro200.de\" />\n" +
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                        "          <a class=\"überschrift\" href=\"https://nopro200.de\">NoPro200 - Discord Analytics</a>\n" +
                        "          <p></p>\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "        <div>\n" +
                        "            <a class=\"obena\" href=\"https://dc.nopro200.de\">Diesen Discord betreten</a>\n" +
                        "            <a class=\"obena\" href=\"https://nopro200.de/impressum\">Impressum & Datenschutz</a>\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
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                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "      </div>\n" +
                        "      <div class=\"topuser\">\n" +
                        "      <h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">Top 5 Aktive User</h1>\n" +
                        "      <div class=\"top-container\">\n" +
                        "        <div style=\"margin-left: 20px;\" class=\"top1\">\n" +
                        "            <div class=\"image_blob\">\n" +
                        "                <img class=\"imgfromtopuser\" src=\"" + profilepicture1 + "\">\n" +
                        "            </div>\n" +
                        "            <div class=\"top1_Text\">\n" +
                        "                <p style=\"text-decoration: underline; text-underline-offset: 15px; font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); \">᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼Platz 1᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼</p>\n" +
                        "                <p>Name: " + username1 + "</p>\n" +
                        "                <p>Nachrichtenanzahl: " + Messagecount[0] + "</p>\n" +
                        "            </div>\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "    \n" +
                        "        <div class=\"top2\">\n" +
                        "            <div class=\"image_blob\">\n" +
                        "                <img class=\"imgfromtopuser\" src=\"" + profilepicture2 + "\">\n" +
                        "            </div>\n" +
                        "            <div class=\"top2_Text\">\n" +
                        "                <p style=\"text-decoration: underline; text-underline-offset: 15px; font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); \">᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼Platz 2᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼</p>\n" +
                        "                <p>Name: " + username2 + "</p>\n" +
                        "                <p>Nachrichtenanzahl: " + Messagecount[1] + "</p>\n" +
                        "            </div>\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "        <div class=\"top3\">\n" +
                        "          <div class=\"image_blob\">\n" +
                        "              <img class=\"imgfromtopuser\" src=\"" + profilepicture3 + "\">\n" +
                        "          </div>\n" +
                        "          <div class=\"top2_Text\">\n" +
                        "              <p style=\"text-decoration: underline; text-underline-offset: 15px; font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); \">᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼Platz 3᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼</p>\n" +
                        "              <p>Name: " + username3 + "</p>\n" +
                        "              <p>Nachrichtenanzahl: " + Messagecount[2] + "</p>\n" +
                        "          </div>\n" +
                        "      </div>\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      <div class=\"top4\">\n" +
                        "        <div class=\"image_blob\">\n" +
                        "            <img class=\"imgfromtopuser\" src=\"" + profilepicture4 + "\">\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "        <div class=\"top2_Text\">\n" +
                        "            <p style=\"text-decoration: underline; text-underline-offset: 15px; font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); \">᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼Platz 4᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼</p>\n" +
                        "            <p>Name: " + username4 + "</p>\n" +
                        "            <p>Nachrichtenanzahl: " + Messagecount[3] + "</p>\n" +
                        "        </div>\n" +
                        "    </div>\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    \n" +
                        "    <div style=\"margin-right: 20px;\"  class=\"top5\">\n" +
                        "      <div class=\"image_blob\">\n" +
                        "          <img class=\"imgfromtopuser\" src=\"" + profilepicture5 + "\">\n" +
                        "      </div>\n" +
                        "      <div class=\"top2_Text\">\n" +
                        "          <p style=\"text-decoration: underline; text-underline-offset: 15px; font-size: 24px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); \">᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼Platz 5᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼</p>\n" +
                        "          <p>Name: " + username5 + "</p>\n" +
                        "          <p>Nachrichtenanzahl: " + Messagecount[4] + "</p>\n" +
                        "      </div>\n" +
                        "  </div>\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    </div>\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    </div>\n" +
                        "      </div>\n" +
                        "    </div>\n" +
                        "<script>\n" +
                        "    // Canvas-Element auswählen\n" +
                        "    var chartCanvas = document.getElementById(\"userChart\");\n" +
                        "    var messageChart = document.getElementById(\"messageChart\");\n" +
                        "    var voicechanneltalkduration = document.getElementById(\"voicechanneltalkduration\");\n" +
                        "    var voicechannelusercount = document.getElementById(\"voicechannelusercount\");\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    // Diagramm erstellen\n" +
                        "    var userChart = new Chart(chartCanvas, {\n" +
                        "      type: \"line\", // Diagrammtyp (hier: Liniendiagramm)\n" +
                        "      data: {\n" +
                        "        labels: [], // Beschriftungen der x-Achse\n" +
                        "        datasets: [\n" +
                        "          {\n" +
                        "            label: \"Nutzer\",\n" +
                        "            fill: 'start',\n" +
                        "            backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)',\n" +
                        "            borderColor: \"rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)\",\n" +
                        "            borderWidth: 2,\n" +
                        "            lineTension: 0.4, // Rundung der Linie\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        ],\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "      options: {\n" +
                        "        responsive: true, // Diagrammgröße anpassen\n" +
                        "        scales: {\n" +
                        "          y: {\n" +
                        "            beginAtZero: true, // y-Achse ab 0 beginnen\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)\", // Farbe der Gitterlinien\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "          x: {\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              display: false, // Gitterlinien auf der x-Achse ausblenden\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "        plugins: {\n" +
                        "          legend: {\n" +
                        "            labels: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Legendenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "    });\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    // Diagramm erstellen\n" +
                        "    var messageChartObj = new Chart(messageChart, {\n" +
                        "      type: \"line\", // Diagrammtyp (hier: Liniendiagramm)\n" +
                        "      data: {\n" +
                        "        labels: [], // Beschriftungen der x-Achse\n" +
                        "        datasets: [\n" +
                        "          {\n" +
                        "            label: \"Nachrichten\",\n" +
                        "            fill: 'start',\n" +
                        "            backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.3)',\n" +
                        "            borderColor: \"rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)\",\n" +
                        "            borderWidth: 2,\n" +
                        "            lineTension: 0.4, // Rundung der Linie\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        ],\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "      options: {\n" +
                        "        responsive: true, // Diagrammgröße anpassen\n" +
                        "        scales: {\n" +
                        "          y: {\n" +
                        "            beginAtZero: true, // y-Achse ab 0 beginnen\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)\", // Farbe der Gitterlinien\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "          x: {\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              display: false, // Gitterlinien auf der x-Achse ausblenden\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "        plugins: {\n" +
                        "          legend: {\n" +
                        "            labels: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Legendenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "    });\n" +
                        "    var voicechanneltalkdurationobj = new Chart(voicechanneltalkduration, {\n" +
                        "      type: \"line\", // Diagrammtyp (hier: Liniendiagramm)\n" +
                        "      data: {\n" +
                        "        labels: [], // Beschriftungen der x-Achse\n" +
                        "        datasets: [\n" +
                        "          {\n" +
                        "            label: \"Votes\",\n" +
                        "            fill: 'start',\n" +
                        "            backgroundColor: 'rgba(4, 255, 0, 0.3)',\n" +
                        "            borderColor: \"rgba(4, 255, 0, 1)\",\n" +
                        "            borderWidth: 2,\n" +
                        "            lineTension: 0.4, // Rundung der Linie\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        ],\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "      options: {\n" +
                        "        responsive: true, // Diagrammgröße anpassen\n" +
                        "        scales: {\n" +
                        "          y: {\n" +
                        "            beginAtZero: true, // y-Achse ab 0 beginnen\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)\", // Farbe der Gitterlinien\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "          x: {\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              display: false, // Gitterlinien auf der x-Achse ausblenden\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "        plugins: {\n" +
                        "          legend: {\n" +
                        "            labels: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Legendenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "    });\n" +
                        "    var voicechannelusercountobj = new Chart(voicechannelusercount, {\n" +
                        "      type: \"line\", // Diagrammtyp (hier: Liniendiagramm)\n" +
                        "      data: {\n" +
                        "        labels: [], // Beschriftungen der x-Achse\n" +
                        "        datasets: [\n" +
                        "          {\n" +
                        "            label: \"User ingesamt im Talk gewesen (Top Usercount)\",\n" +
                        "            fill: 'start',\n" +
                        "            backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 204, 0, 0.3)',\n" +
                        "            borderColor: \"rgba(255, 204, 0, 1)\",\n" +
                        "            borderWidth: 2,\n" +
                        "            lineTension: 0.4, // Rundung der Linie\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        ],\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "      options: {\n" +
                        "        responsive: true, // Diagrammgröße anpassen\n" +
                        "        scales: {\n" +
                        "          y: {\n" +
                        "            beginAtZero: true, // y-Achse ab 0 beginnen\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)\", // Farbe der Gitterlinien\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "          x: {\n" +
                        "            grid: {\n" +
                        "              display: false, // Gitterlinien auf der x-Achse ausblenden\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "            ticks: {\n" +
                        "              fontColor: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Achsenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "        plugins: {\n" +
                        "          legend: {\n" +
                        "            labels: {\n" +
                        "              color: \"#ccc\", // Farbe der Legendenbeschriftungen\n" +
                        "            },\n" +
                        "          },\n" +
                        "        },\n" +
                        "      },\n" +
                        "    });\n" +
                        "    getDiscordUserCounts();\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    // Funktion zum Abrufen der Nutzerzahlen\n" +
                        "    function getDiscordUserCounts() {\n" +
                        "      // Hier kannst du den Code zur Kommunikation mit der Discord-API und zum Abrufen der Nutzerzahlen einfügen\n" +
                        "      // Verwende geeignete Bibliotheken oder Frameworks, um dies zu erreichen\n" +
                        "      // Aktualisiere dann das Diagramm mit den abgerufenen Nutzerzahlen\n" +
                        "      \n" +
                        "      var months = [\"Heute\", \"Gestern\", \"Vorgestern\", \"vor 4 Tagen\", \"vor 5 Tagen\", \"vor 6 Tagen\", \"vor 7 Tagen\"];\n" +
                        "      var months1 = [\"Heute\", \"Gestern\", \"Vorgestern\", \"vor 4 Tagen\", \"vor 5 Tagen\", \"vor 6 Tagen\", \"vor 7 Tagen\"];\n" +
                        "      var months2 = [\"Heute\", \"Gestern\", \"Vorgestern\", \"vor 4 Tagen\", \"vor 5 Tagen\", \"vor 6 Tagen\", \"vor 7 Tagen\"];\n" +
                        "      var months3 = [\"Heute\", \"Gestern\", \"Vorgestern\", \"vor 4 Tagen\", \"vor 5 Tagen\", \"vor 6 Tagen\", \"vor 7 Tagen\"];\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      var userCounts = " + Arrays.toString(memberCountForLast7Days) + ";\n" +
                        "      var messageCounts = " + Arrays.toString(messageCountFromTheLast7Days) + ";\n" +
                        "      var voicechanneldurationvalues = " + Arrays.toString(voicechanneltotaldurationinminutescount) + ";\n" +
                        "      var voicechannelmaxusercount = " + Arrays.toString(voicetopusercount) + ";\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      userChart.data.labels = months;\n" +
                        "      userChart.data.datasets[0].data = userCounts;\n" +
                        "      userChart.update();\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      messageChartObj.data.labels = months1;\n" +
                        "      messageChartObj.data.datasets[0].data = messageCounts;\n" +
                        "      messageChartObj.update();\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      voicechanneltalkdurationobj.data.labels = months2;\n" +
                        "      voicechanneltalkdurationobj.data.datasets[0].data = voicechanneldurationvalues;\n" +
                        "      voicechanneltalkdurationobj.update();\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "      voicechannelusercountobj.data.labels = months3;\n" +
                        "      voicechannelusercountobj.data.datasets[0].data = voicechannelmaxusercount;\n" +
                        "      voicechannelusercountobj.update();\n" +
                        "\n" +
                        "    }\n" +
                        "    window.addEventListener(\"resize\", function() {\n" +
                        "        userChart.resize();\n" +
                        "        messageChartObj.resize();\n" +
                        "    });\n" +
                        "</script>\n" +
                        "</body>\n" +
        return html.toString();

    } catch (Exception e) {
        errortriggercode.sendERROR(e.toString(), "messageAndUserCountLog.java");
        return "ERROR";

private static int[] getMemberCountForLast7Days(String guildId, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
    LocalDate sevenDaysAgo = currentDate.minusDays(7);

    String selectSql = "SELECT date, membercount FROM member_counts WHERE guild_id = ? AND date >= ? AND date <= ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, guildId);
    selectStatement.setString(2, sevenDaysAgo.toString());
    selectStatement.setString(3, currentDate.toString());

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    Map<String, Integer> memberCountMap = new HashMap<>();
    while (resultSet.next()) {
        String date = resultSet.getString("date");
        int memberCount = resultSet.getInt("membercount");
        memberCountMap.put(date, memberCount);

    int[] memberCountArray = new int[7];
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        LocalDate date = currentDate.minusDays(i);
        String dateString = date.toString();
        memberCountArray[i] = memberCountMap.getOrDefault(dateString, 0);

    return memberCountArray;

public static int[] getMessageCountForLast7Days(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int[] messageCountArray = new int[7];

    LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        LocalDate date = currentDate.minusDays(i);
        String dateString = date.toString();

        int messageCount = getMessageCountFromDiscord(dateString, connection);
        messageCountArray[i] = messageCount;

    return messageCountArray;

public static int[] getVoteCount(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int[] VoteCount = new int[7];

    LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        LocalDate date = currentDate.minusDays(i); 
        String dateString = date.toString();

        int messageCount = getVoteCounts(dateString, connection);
        VoteCount[i] = messageCount;

    return VoteCount;

public static int[] getTopVoiceUserCountForLast7Days(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int[] userCountArray = new int[7];

    LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        LocalDate date = currentDate.minusDays(i);
        String dateString = date.toString();

        int userCount = getFinalVoiceChannelTopUserCount(dateString, connection);
        userCountArray[i] = userCount;

    return userCountArray;

private static int getMessageCountFromDiscord(String dateString, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int count = 0;

    String selectSql = "SELECT messagecount FROM message_counts WHERE date = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, dateString);

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    if (resultSet.next()) {
        count = resultSet.getInt("messagecount");

    return count;

private static int getVoteCounts(String dateString, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int count = 0;

    String selectSql = "SELECT votecount FROM vote_count WHERE date = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, dateString);

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    if (resultSet.next()) {
        count = resultSet.getInt("votecount");

    return count;

private static int getFinalVoiceChannelTopUserCount(String dateString, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    int count = 0;

    String selectSql = "SELECT count FROM top_user_count WHERE date = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);
    selectStatement.setString(1, dateString);

    ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

    if (resultSet.next()) {
        count = resultSet.getInt("count");

    return count;

public static String[] getTopUserIds() {
    String[] topUserIds = new String[7]; 

    try {
        String selectSql = "SELECT member_id FROM message_counts_for_every_user ORDER BY message_count DESC LIMIT 7";
        PreparedStatement selectStatement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(selectSql);

        ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

        int i = 0;
        while (resultSet.next()) {
            String userId = resultSet.getString("member_id");
            topUserIds[i] = userId;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        errortriggercode.sendERROR(e.toString(), "messageAndUserCountLog.java");

    return topUserIds;

public static int[] getMessageCountsForTopUsers(Connection connection, String[] memberIds) throws SQLException {
    int[] messageCounts = new int[memberIds.length];

    String selectSql = "SELECT message_count FROM message_counts_for_every_user WHERE member_id = ?";
    PreparedStatement selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement(selectSql);

    for (int i = 0; i < memberIds.length; i++) {
        selectStatement.setString(1, memberIds[i]);

        ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

        if (resultSet.next()) {
            messageCounts[i] = resultSet.getInt("message_count");
        } else {
            messageCounts[i] = 0;

    return messageCounts;

public static String[] getAvatarAndTag(String memberId) {
    String[] AvatarAndTag = new String[2];
    try {
        String selectSql = "SELECT tag, avatar_url FROM message_counts_for_every_user WHERE member_id = ?";
        PreparedStatement selectStatement = Hauptklasse.connNormal.prepareStatement(selectSql);
        selectStatement.setString(1, memberId);

        ResultSet resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery();

        if (resultSet.next()) {
            String tag = resultSet.getString("tag");
            String avatarUrl = resultSet.getString("avatar_url");

            AvatarAndTag[0] = tag;
            AvatarAndTag[1] = avatarUrl; 
        } else {
            System.out.println("Keine Daten gefunden für das angegebene Mitglied.");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        errortriggercode.sendERROR(e.toString(), "messageAndUserCountLog.java");
    return AvatarAndTag;


freya022 commented 3 months ago

So something must be blocking the WS thread here, make a thread dump for it, using your ide, or with jstack -l <pid>, get the pid with jps -l

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

can you please explain this in more detail i don't quite understand it 🤣

freya022 commented 3 months ago

can you please explain this in more detail i don't quite understand it 🤣

Make the thread dump (see https://jda.wiki/introduction/faq/), then send it here, you most likely have to look at the Main WS-ReadThread or something named similarly

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

before i post this is there any sensitive information in it?

freya022 commented 3 months ago

no, but heap dumps do

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

Here is the MainWS-ReadThread

"JDA MainWS-ReadThread" #43 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=109.38ms elapsed=44.11s tid=0x000001757fd34800 nid=0xe1f8 waiting on condition [0x0000004f773fe000] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(java.base@11.0.18/Native Method)

freya022 commented 3 months ago

As you can see, you can't use awaitReady in a listener, as you prevent JDA from receiving more data, which would then make the shard ready.

Waiting in the WS thread makes a deadlock as no data can be received anymore, and also creates that timeout error

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

Now it works thank you so much.

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

is there a way to disable these annoying messages once we are in

SLF4J(W): No SLF4J providers were found. SLF4J(W): Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J(W): See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further details. 2024-07-18 12:23:28 [JDALogger] [WARN] Using fallback logger due to missing SLF4J implementation. 2024-07-18 12:23:28 [JDALogger] [WARN] Please setup a logging framework to use JDA. 2024-07-18 12:23:28 [JDALogger] [WARN] You can use our logging setup guide https://jda.wiki/setup/logging/ 2024-07-18 12:23:28 [JDALogger] [WARN] To disable the fallback logger, add the slf4j-nop dependency or use JDALogger.setFallbackLoggerEnabled(false) 2024-07-18 12:23:29 [JDA] [INFO] Login Successful!

freya022 commented 3 months ago

These are logs, not annoying messages, quite the opposite in fact, also have you seen the jda.wiki link

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

yes but it is possible to deactivate them i did that with another bot

freya022 commented 3 months ago

yes but it is possible to deactivate them i did that with another bot

I don't recommend disabling them at all. Logging is done for a reason, not to annoy you.

You can lower the log level to have less messages, see the configuration file.

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

ich want the log level ERROR

NoPro200 commented 3 months ago

how do i do that

freya022 commented 3 months ago


NoPro200 commented 3 months ago
