Closed BL19 closed 7 years ago
Run a built jar? If so, you are not properly exporting the dependencies (eg JDA) into the jar file
Should I do a "JAR file" or "Runnable JAR file"?
Runnable if you don't want to specify the Main class every time you run the jar via console.
Take a look at some examples online on how to shade/include the dependencies into the jar
How do I do if id like it to run in a bukkit/spigot plugin?
Then you probably don't have a main class and therefor no need for runnable jar.
Including dependencies in jar is still the same and required
I dont get the error if i run it as a runnable (not a bukkit/spigot plugin)
Does JDA support discord categorys?
[Info] [JDA]: Login Successful!
[Info] [JDASocket]: Connected to WebSocket
[Fatal] [JDASocket]: Received a channel for a guild that isn't a text or voice channel. JSON: {"permission_overwrites":[],"name":"Text Channels","bitrate":64000,"position":0,"id":"370193911794237441","user_limit":0,"type":4}
[Fatal] [JDASocket]: Received a channel for a guild that isn't a text or voice channel. JSON: {"permission_overwrites":[],"name":"Voice Channels","bitrate":64000,"position":0,"id":"370193911794237443","user_limit":0,"type":4}
[15:52:28] [Fatal] [JDASocket]: Received a channel for a guild that isn't a text or voice channel (ChannelPass). JSON: {"permission_overwrites":[],"name":"Text Channels","bitrate":64000,"position":0,"id":"370193911794237441","user_limit":0,"type":4}
[Fatal] [JDASocket]: Encountered an exception:
[Fatal] [JDASocket]: java.lang.RuntimeException: Got permission_override for unknown channel with id: 370193911794237441
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.EntityBuilder.createGuildChannelPass(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.EntityBuilder.createGuildFirstPass(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.handle.GuildCreateHandler.handleInternally(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.handle.SocketHandler.handle(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.WebSocketClient.handleEvent(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.WebSocketClient.onTextMessage(
at net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.WebSocketClient.onBinaryMessage(
Update to the latest JDA version. You can find the version at the top of the readme, on bintray and in our CI
First of all, pls use code blocks (I just did that for you). Second, yes. Update.
@Almighty-Alpaca did you add codeblock for him? don't see it
Github won't let me... > The content you are editing has changed. Please try again.
edit: worked now
the initial message? cuz i changed that 15mins ago
was talking about the one right above my first message in this conversation
Please join our discord server for questions like these.
I am "trying" to write a small discord bot. But when i try to run it i get
i cant figure out what the problem is..