Open JoshuaMaitland opened 1 year ago
Still the same issue after upgrading to v3.11.0
Idk if this will ever get fixed (at least until v4) Just to give some backstory:
Idk if this will ever get fixed (at least until v4) Just to give some backstory:
Right, I think that might be the reason why though. Because when I was using v3.9 it doesn't print the TaskCanceledException error whilst with v3.10 or later, it does printed out a error.
Still the same issue on v3.13.0
One year since I've opened this issue, but it's still hasn't fixed. Still happened on v3.15.0 (latest, at the time of writing to this comment)
Idk if this will ever get fixed (at least until v4) Just to give some backstory:
v4 still is not out.
Idk if this will ever get fixed (at least until v4) Just to give some backstory:
v4 still is not out.
Exactly. I'm not too sure about v4. I'm way concerned about this. Maybe it could be the change of .NET Framework or something.
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I've been updated the latest version of Discord.Net and when I connect the bot, it's working fine. But when I click on disconnect button (bear in mind that I'm doing this on WinForms in C#) and this error came up like this. (see logs) This issue seems to be doing this on versions that is higher than 3.9
Version that is higher than 3.9
Working Version
No response
20:15:12 Discord Discord.Net v3.10.0 (API v10) 20:15:13 Gateway Connecting 20:15:14 Gateway Connected 20:15:15 Gateway Ready 20:15:22 Gateway System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Discord.ConnectionManager.<>cDisplayClass29_0.<b0>d.MoveNext()
20:15:22 Gateway Disconnecting
20:15:22 Gateway Disconnected
No response
Discord.Net.Commands v3.10.0 Discord.Net.Core v3.10.0 Discord.Net.Interactions v3.10.0 Discord.Net.Rest v3.10.0 Discord.Net.Webhook v3.10.0 Discord.Net.WebSocket v3.10.0 MySql.Data v6.10.9 Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.3