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Max Number of Daily Application Commands Reached #6188

Closed Oroton closed 1 year ago

Oroton commented 1 year ago


Not sure if this is an API error but it's showing as "DiscordAPIError[30034]:"

Myself and many other developers are running into with a common issue with existing bots and brand new bots on new accounts.

Everyone is being rate limited and cannot deploy new commands.

DiscordAPIError[30034]: Max number of daily application command creates has been reached (200)
    at SequentialHandler.runRequest (C:\Users\lost_\Documents\discord_bot\CaeChron\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:933:15)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (C:\Users\lost_\Documents\discord_bot\CaeChron\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:712:14)
    at async REST.request (C:\Users\lost_\Documents\discord_bot\CaeChron\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:1321:22)
    at async C:\Users\lost_\Documents\discord_bot\CaeChron\deploy-commands.js:33:18 {
  rawError: {
    message: 'Max number of daily application command creates has been reached (200)',
    code: 30034
  code: 30034,
  status: 400,
  method: 'PUT',
  url: 'https://discord.com/api/v10/applications/1113271965109723206/commands',
  requestBody: { files: undefined, json: [ [Object] ] }

Steps to Reproduce

create new bot and deploy slash command

Expected Behavior

expected it to deply

Current Behavior

returning error daily application command createes have been reached



Client and System Information

using VS Code running bot in discord.js

timcole commented 1 year ago

This is affecting us at FreshTok, every new server adding the bot is failing to add guild commands.

We've tested with a dev bot that isn't used often and hasn't been used in a week. Just making a single request to create a simple guild command causes the error to return instantly even though 0 application commands were created for that bot or in that guild all day.

Myth0000 commented 1 year ago

I use discord.net library in c# and I am also running into this issue. My previously working code has stopped working completely because of this error. And when I tried creating new discord bots with literally just one command I still got this error.

jocafamaka commented 1 year ago

+ The response also has incorrect retry_after headers!

My bot automatically handles retry_after, so it goes into a loop, trying to follow what is parsed in the headers.

Try to create, rate-limited response with ~3s in retry_after, wait... Repeat

My first log of this error was at 2023-05-31 00:37:37 UTC.

itz-shyam commented 1 year ago

I think the rate-limit arg got collided with the syncing somehow..

itsjjrodedition commented 1 year ago

same issue. but only for one application 🤷

Flqsh commented 1 year ago

I am experiencing the same issue in the midst of a major update to my bot. The bot is months old, with only a few dozen commands.

Robinerra commented 1 year ago

Happening to me on my already existing bots.

rico0610 commented 1 year ago

I thought using a VPS in hosting my bot can fix it. But it seems no workaround to this issue at the moment.

libewa commented 1 year ago

can reproduce with my discord.js bot hosted on replit

aphshir commented 1 year ago

Got the same problem with discord.py bot with only one command!

KohnoseLami commented 1 year ago

It happens in all applications in my account. All applications will respond in the same way, even with a new build.

import axios from 'axios';
import { Routes, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord-api-types/v10';

response = await axios.put(
            name: 'ping',
            default_member_permissions: String(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator),
            description: 'Ping',
        headers: {
            Authorization: `Bot `,


'Max number of daily application command creates has been reached (200)'

JASO0ON commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. All my bots do not work because of this.

Platformer444 commented 1 year ago

I myself am also experiencing the same issue

Deveroonie commented 1 year ago

same here, haven't even registered any commands

volcanofr commented 1 year ago

For any form of discussion, please join the Discord Developers official server and then Follow this Forum post. Updates may be posted there.

TheRealShadow commented 1 year ago

Tested it with 3 bots, all are limited of which 2 are about a year old.

malekashkar commented 1 year ago

The issue is still live, started experiencing it last night around midnight (EST), and currently still experiencing it @ 7:30AM (EST).

Seems to be an ongoing issue with Discord's API.

kkrypt0nn commented 1 year ago

The issue was reported ~9 hours ago, currently it's 5am in SF - so it has been reported at around 8pm SF time, do you seriously believe they will fix it in the middle of the night? Give them like 4-7 more hours or something...

Surely it's annoying but not a crisis emergency that needs to be fixed within the coming minutes/hour, developers are not 24/7 either...

typpo commented 1 year ago

This will be fixed shortly, in the next API deploy

balah7 commented 1 year ago

Me and some developer friends are experiencing the same error, we went to test a new command in our bot and this error returned, the strange thing is that we tried to add 1 commands only to the bot and the bot only has 12 commands in total, there is no way to get to the limit of 200 commands added in the day because not even the bot has that much.

Ugric commented 1 year ago

oh thank god its not just me 🤣

Kykal commented 1 year ago

Same issue here.

louloudev59 commented 1 year ago

Also the same issue

hexaaagon commented 1 year ago

what tha, everybody experiencing this issue at the same time? hmm, this is weird. because i had the same issue

IanMitchell commented 1 year ago

The fix has been deployed!