discord / erlpack

High Performance Erlang Term Format Packer
MIT License
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Redo node 16 support #45

Closed ExperiBass closed 2 years ago

ExperiBass commented 2 years ago

Didn’t move to a new branch in #40, fixed here without extraneous changes

ExperiBass commented 2 years ago

Gonna update packages too, don’t merge yet (or merge then merge #41, which also updates the packages)

ExperiBass commented 2 years ago

@icdevin @jhgg sorry for the earlier mixup

promise commented 2 years ago

It seems pointless to have two PRs fixing the same issue, and if you're going to also update packages then this is pretty much a copy of #41. Merging both PRs will also have an unnecessary conflict as they have the same changes. Resolving the conflict and merging both PRs will only confuse and has the same effect as merging one and closing the other one.

I would suggest closing this and keep #41 but feel free to wait for a maintainer to give their input instead.

jhgg commented 2 years ago

Closing as dupe of #41