discord / gamesdk-and-dispatch

Public issue tracker for the Discord Game SDK and Dispatch
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No statistics update in over a month #116

Closed PixelNinja132 closed 3 years ago

PixelNinja132 commented 3 years ago


I have been in contact with dev support (or tried to be), and I have not had a proper follow-up or response to this issue. My game with ID 598419143661846528 and My statistics have not updated at all in over a month (Feb 7th) - this means I don't know how much money I have to put into promotions; I have also had a banner at the top of my statistics since mid-last year (see screenshot: https://hexrun.is-inside.me/G85JCl8z.png) saying that data isn't available. I emailed support about this last year, and they said "The ticket will be escalated to developers"; after this, I never heard back. I sent an email to support over a week ago, and have not had a response. I have also reached out on Twitter - still nothing. I'm quite upset about this as I have also had issues with payout history not showing - this was reported mid-last year as well, and it was also "escalated". My support ticket ID is 12115335, and considering this is relating to financial issues, I thought support would have responded to the issues.

I understand how this GitHub might not be the place, but I just can't wait another few months to get this sorted.

Thanks in advance,


PixelNinja132 commented 3 years ago

Statistics partially updated - Still not fully fixed.