discord / gamesdk-and-dispatch

Public issue tracker for the Discord Game SDK and Dispatch
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C# Example app crashes after Garbage Collecting #36

Open gosucherry opened 4 years ago

gosucherry commented 4 years ago

Hi. Im struggling with using Discord Game SDK for C# outside Unity Engine. Your example code works fine, but if Garbage Collector walk in, the app crashes! After trying to attach this example to my larger project (where GC collects every 10-30 seconds) it makes SDK unusable!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download your sdk package (https://dl-game-sdk.discordapp.net/latest/discord_game_sdk.zip).
  2. Make a new .Net Framework Console App (i've done mine in Visual Studio 2019)
  3. Force garbage collection just before "lobbyManager.Search()" call

for example:

lobbyManager.Search(query, (_) =>
   Console.WriteLine("search returned {0} lobbies", lobbyManager.LobbyCount());
   if (lobbyManager.LobbyCount() == 1)
      Console.WriteLine("first lobby secret: {0}", 
  1. Simply run the app

It will throw "CallbackOnCollectedDelegate" on usage of "Discord.LobbyManager+FFIMethods+SearchCallback::Invoke".

In my application im not forcing manually GC.Collect() since GC runs pretty often by itself.

Implementation specifics : C# + Visual Studio 2019.

When using the very same code in Unity Engine everything works fine and no crash occurs. Im not sure if im not missing anything here, but I've spent over two days already trying to fix this issue, yet still no success...

Update: My app works fine, when run on Mono. The issue can be related to "MonoPInvokeCallback" attribute.

gosucherry commented 4 years ago

Fixed issue by defining and initializing Callbacks delegate as statics in the class body.

PizzaConsole commented 4 years ago

This is currently what the SDK is experiencing on non-Mono projects due to JIT (just in time) Compilation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/debug-trace-profile/callbackoncollecteddelegate-mda

gosucherry commented 4 years ago

Maybe it would be reasonable to include this solution in future releases of the SDK.

Original code (Core.cs):

private static void ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
GCHandle h = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
    ConnectLobbyHandler callback = (ConnectLobbyHandler)h.Target;
    callback(result, ref lobby);

public void ConnectLobby(Int64 lobbyId, string secret, ConnectLobbyHandler callback)
    GCHandle wrapped = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
    Methods.ConnectLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, secret, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(wrapped), ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl);

Working code:

private static void ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
    GCHandle h = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
    ConnectLobbyHandler callback = (ConnectLobbyHandler)h.Target;
    callback(result, ref lobby);

private readonly static FFIMethods.ConnectLobbyCallback connectLobbyCallback = new FFIMethods.ConnectLobbyCallback(ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl);

public void ConnectLobby(Int64 lobbyId, string secret, ConnectLobbyHandler callback)
    GCHandle wrapped = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
    Methods.ConnectLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, secret, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(wrapped), connectLobbyCallback);
adepierre commented 3 years ago

Got the same issue here. Thanks for the working code, it's perfect! However it's a bit tedious to change every function used. Would be great if this fix was integrated in the SDK directly.

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

@adepierre We messaged @msciotti and they were supposed to fix the SDK with this change months ago...

x-gaming commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for that solution, I had the same problem but with the UpdateActivityCallback and I spent hours of trying to find the problem, now it works ❤️

gosucherry commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for that solution, I had the same problem but with the UpdateActivityCallback and I spent hours of trying to find the problem, now it works ❤️

Glad to hear :) I've spent almost 3 days figuring this out haha :D I would love to make some fork repo, with this already implemented, but it's sadly not allowed by terms of use of discord...

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

I am really disappointed that discord has not applied the change yet...

gosucherry commented 3 years ago

I am really disappointed that discord has not applied the change yet...

And im really dissappointed with the example code I've provided in this issue... haha :) I've mixed "Search" and "ConnectLobby" methods, which probably made the code even more illegible... But it's fixed now (my comment from 26 March was edited).

dgibso29 commented 3 years ago

Also experiencing this issue & can confirm @gosucherry 's fix -- Thanks!

Hoping the SDK is updated presently.

dgibso29 commented 3 years ago

102 is related.

vkuhlmann commented 3 years ago

I wrote a Regex to do this edit:

  1. Open Core.cs in Notepad++
  2. Open 'Replace' (Ctrl+H)
  3. Set Search Mode to 'Regular expression' and uncheck '. matches newline'
  4. In 'Find what:' enter (?<aligner>\n(?<methodIndent>\s*)Methods.*?, )(?<target>[A-Za-z0-9]*)Impl(?<term>\);\n(\k<methodIndent>[^\n]*\n)*(?<indent>\s*)})
  5. In 'Replace with:' enter $+{aligner}$+{target}Delegate$+{term}\n\n$+{indent}private readonly static FFIMethods.$+{target} $+{target}Delegate = new FFIMethods.$+{target}\($+{target}Impl\);
  6. Use 'Replace' or 'Replace all' to convert the whole file.
  7. Add a note at the start of the file indicating you performed this fix, like
    // This file was modified with the following fix:
    // https://github.com/discord/gamesdk-and-dispatch/issues/36
  8. Yeey! Back to actual coding!

PS: Thanks so much to everyone discussing the problem here, it helped me a lot!

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

Just as a cool note. When we first found this fix it was technically illegal under the ToS from discord

2.2 Restrictions. You shall not, and shall not permit any person, directly or indirectly, to (i) reverse engineer, disassemble, reconstruct, decompile, translate, modify or copy the API or SDK

That is not longer the case as they have removed the restrictions from their new ToS

vkuhlmann commented 3 years ago

Ouch. Good thing they removed that. One could of course argue that they meant the .dll's, with the code provided for the languages being merely bindings, not the real API or SDK. I mean, providing plain code is just asking for people to modify it. Especially if it is broken.

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

I mean, providing plain code is just asking for people to modify it.

Unfortunately that's not the way legal works... You have to abide by the license.

vkuhlmann commented 3 years ago

Haha, don't you worry. But to be honest, I missed the license you mentioned. Why didn't they include it in the SDK zip?

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

@vkuhlmann That's because you automatically accept it here when you make your account. https://discord.com/developers/docs/legal

vkuhlmann commented 3 years ago

Yes, I figured that. I wasn't thinking when I accepted the license I would do anything out of the ordinary. So, to just get started quickly with my project, I only briefly scanned through it... And I would read it better once I was to actually publish anything.

PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

I ALWAYS read every ToS nowadays, just my nature I guess. But you can find some interesting stuff when you do!

vkuhlmann commented 3 years ago

Haha. I always feel like it slows you down so much, better to assure everything works in broad strokes, and then look into every detail. But I agree, you are doing things the proper way.

Vercidium commented 3 years ago

Bumping this issue as it is still occuring in the latest Discord SDK.

I am using a similar solution to what was posted above:

private static void UpdateActivityCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
    GCHandle h = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
    UpdateActivityHandler callback = (UpdateActivityHandler)h.Target;

// This line ensures that UpdateActivityCallbackImpl is not collected by GC
static FFIMethods.UpdateActivityCallback staticCallback = UpdateActivityCallbackImpl;

public void UpdateActivity(Activity activity, UpdateActivityHandler callback)
    GCHandle wrapped = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);

    // This line now uses staticCallback instead of UpdateActivityCallbackImpl 
    Methods.UpdateActivity(MethodsPtr, ref activity, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(wrapped), staticCallback);
PizzaConsole commented 3 years ago

I gave up on them merging this fix :/

samspillers commented 3 years ago

Issue still occuring on newest version. Used the following to fix UpdateActivity in ActivityManager.

        private FFIMethods.UpdateActivityCallback MyUpdateActivityCallback = UpdateActivityCallbackImpl;

        public void UpdateActivity(Activity activity, UpdateActivityHandler callback)
            GCHandle wrapped = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
            Methods.UpdateActivity(MethodsPtr, ref activity, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(wrapped), MyUpdateActivityCallback);