discord / gamesdk-and-dispatch

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[Bug] - Member Metadata can't be retrieved #6

Closed Jump-Suit closed 4 years ago

Jump-Suit commented 4 years ago

Transferred from Developer Feedback Website:


Hi there!

I think I've found a strange behaviour with the Member Metadata feature in the lobbyManager. Setting the metadata is fine, and the sdk returns a Result.Ok, but then when calling MemberMetadataCount, the result is always 0 and there is no metadata attached to the user. So the feature is unusable right now :/

Here is some sample code to reproduce the error (sorry, don't know how to format it):

var txn = lobbyManager.GetMemberUpdateTransaction(lobbyId, userId);

txn.SetMetadata("foo", "bar");

lobbyManager.UpdateMember(lobbyId, userId, txn, (result) =>


if(result == Discord.Result.Ok)


    Console.WriteLine("Metadata set!");



The code used to read the value:



lobbyManager.GetMemberMetadataValue(lobbyId, userId, "foo");


catch (Discord.ResultException)


Console.WriteLine($"Error trying to read metadata "foo" on user {userId} from lobby {lobbyId}");


And I always hit the error, no matter what I try, I never read the correct value :(

PS : There is also a problem with the doc, the example for the LobbyMemberTransaction.SetMetadata function uses GetMemberUpdateTransaction() without arguments but this function does not exist.

msciotti commented 4 years ago

Cannot reproduce. Here's my minimal example code:

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include "files/discord.h"

namespace {
    volatile bool interrupted{ false };

void main()
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    discord::Core* core;
    auto result = discord::Core::Create(426958487654891521, DiscordCreateFlags_Default, &core);

    core->LobbyManager().OnMemberUpdate.Connect([&core](std::int64_t LobbyId, std::int64_t UserId) {
        std::cout << "lobby " << LobbyId << ", user " << UserId << " was updated\n";
        char metadata[4096]{ 0 };
        core->LobbyManager().GetMemberMetadataValue(LobbyId, UserId, "mmr", metadata);
        std::cout << "\nUser MMR Is: " << metadata;

    discord::LobbyTransaction CreateTxn;
    core->LobbyManager().CreateLobby(CreateTxn, [&core](discord::Result result, const discord::Lobby& lobby) {
        discord::LobbyMemberTransaction UpdateTxn;
        core->LobbyManager().GetMemberUpdateTransaction(lobby.GetId(), 53908232506183680, &UpdateTxn);
        UpdateTxn.SetMetadata("mmr", "1337");
        core->LobbyManager().UpdateMember(lobby.GetId(), 53908232506183680, UpdateTxn, [=](discord::Result result) {
            std::cout << (result == discord::Result::Ok);

    int m = 0;
    while (true)
        // run callbacks



If you can paste a sample code that repros, I can take a look.