discordx-ts / discordx

🤖 Create a discord bot with TypeScript and Decorators!
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[Bug]: VoiceStateUpdate returns object but keys returns undefined #959

Closed Johns3n closed 9 months ago

Johns3n commented 9 months ago

What happened?

I have the following listener command in my bot:

import { VoiceState } from "discord.js";
import { Discord, On } from "discordx";

export class Common {
  @On({ event: "voiceStateUpdate" })
    oldState: VoiceState, 
    newState: VoiceState

And i have the IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildVoiceStates in my main.ts file and when i run the above command that console outputs the following for me:

  VoiceState {
    guild: Guild {
      icon: null,
      features: [],
      commands: [GuildApplicationCommandManager],
      members: [GuildMemberManager],
      channels: [GuildChannelManager],
      bans: [GuildBanManager],
      roles: [RoleManager],
      presences: PresenceManager {},
      voiceStates: [VoiceStateManager],
      stageInstances: [StageInstanceManager],
      invites: [GuildInviteManager],
      scheduledEvents: [GuildScheduledEventManager],
      autoModerationRules: [AutoModerationRuleManager],
      available: true,
      shardId: 0,
      splash: null,
      banner: null,
      description: null,
      verificationLevel: 0,
      vanityURLCode: null,
      nsfwLevel: 0,
      premiumSubscriptionCount: 0,
      discoverySplash: null,
      memberCount: 2,
      large: false,
      premiumProgressBarEnabled: false,
      applicationId: null,
      afkTimeout: 300,
      afkChannelId: null,
      systemChannelId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
      premiumTier: 0,
      widgetEnabled: null,
      widgetChannelId: null,
      explicitContentFilter: 0,
      mfaLevel: 0,
      joinedTimestamp: REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY,
      defaultMessageNotifications: 0,
      systemChannelFlags: [SystemChannelFlagsBitField],
      maximumMembers: 500000,
      maximumPresences: null,
      maxVideoChannelUsers: 25,
      maxStageVideoChannelUsers: 50,
      approximateMemberCount: null,
      approximatePresenceCount: null,
      vanityURLUses: null,
      rulesChannelId: null,
      publicUpdatesChannelId: null,
      preferredLocale: 'en-US',
      safetyAlertsChannelId: null,
      ownerId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
      emojis: [GuildEmojiManager],
      stickers: [GuildStickerManager]
    serverDeaf: null,
    serverMute: null,
    selfDeaf: null,
    selfMute: null,
    selfVideo: null,
    sessionId: null,
    streaming: null,
    channelId: null,
    suppress: null,
    requestToSpeakTimestamp: null
  VoiceState {
    guild: Guild {
      icon: null,
      features: [],
      commands: [GuildApplicationCommandManager],
      members: [GuildMemberManager],
      channels: [GuildChannelManager],
      bans: [GuildBanManager],
      roles: [RoleManager],
      presences: PresenceManager {},
      voiceStates: [VoiceStateManager],
      stageInstances: [StageInstanceManager],
      invites: [GuildInviteManager],
      scheduledEvents: [GuildScheduledEventManager],
      autoModerationRules: [AutoModerationRuleManager],
      available: true,
      shardId: 0,
      splash: null,
      banner: null,
      description: null,
      verificationLevel: 0,
      vanityURLCode: null,
      nsfwLevel: 0,
      premiumSubscriptionCount: 0,
      discoverySplash: null,
      memberCount: 2,
      large: false,
      premiumProgressBarEnabled: false,
      applicationId: null,
      afkTimeout: 300,
      afkChannelId: null,
      systemChannelId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
      premiumTier: 0,
      widgetEnabled: null,
      widgetChannelId: null,
      explicitContentFilter: 0,
      mfaLevel: 0,
      joinedTimestamp: REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY,
      defaultMessageNotifications: 0,
      systemChannelFlags: [SystemChannelFlagsBitField],
      maximumMembers: 500000,
      maximumPresences: null,
      maxVideoChannelUsers: 25,
      maxStageVideoChannelUsers: 50,
      approximateMemberCount: null,
      approximatePresenceCount: null,
      vanityURLUses: null,
      rulesChannelId: null,
      publicUpdatesChannelId: null,
      preferredLocale: 'en-US',
      safetyAlertsChannelId: null,
      ownerId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
      emojis: [GuildEmojiManager],
      stickers: [GuildStickerManager]
    serverDeaf: false,
    serverMute: false,
    selfDeaf: false,
    selfMute: false,
    selfVideo: false,
    sessionId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
    streaming: false,
    channelId: 'REDACTED-FOR-PRIVACY',
    suppress: false,
    requestToSpeakTimestamp: null

but when i try to access ANY member on the oldstate object like oldState.channelId it returns "undefined" in the console log. When my bot joined i made it have all the priviliged gateways enabled and also it joined in the "bot" scope and also had "administrator" as it's bot's permissions.

Am I doing something wrong in trying to access the oldState's and newState's (which does the same) channelId with the above code?


installed discordX as per specs made bot join created class from "what happend" field





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Johns3n commented 9 months ago

Nevermind, refactored the class into this and it works! :) Hope if someone else has this problem they come across this issue:

import { ArgsOf, Discord, On } from "discordx";

export class Common {
  @On({ event: "voiceStateUpdate" })
  onVoiceStateUpdate([oldState, newState]: ArgsOf<"voiceStateUpdate">){