discosultan / penumbra

2D lighting with soft shadows for MonoGame
MIT License
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SharpDXException was Unhandled #12

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago


Whenever I try and use this it seems to throw this error: _"An unhandled exception of type 'SharpDX.SharpDXException' occurred in SharpDX.dll

Additional information: HRESULT: [0x80070057], Module: [General], ApiCode: [EINVALIDARG/Invalid Arguments], Message: The parameter is incorrect."

I have no idea what's causing this. I've done exactly what the documentation is telling me to do, and I've been trying to get it to work for a day or two now.

Some details:

  1. Monogame
  2. Latest Penumbra 2016 October.
  3. No lights or shadows have been added yet since I first wanted to make sure it could run.
discosultan commented 7 years ago


Can you provide me a copy of a failing project I could debug?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hey Discosultan!

I have very good news! I got it to run. I narrowed down exactly what seems to cause the issue, or at least, what function seems to be doing it! I didn't know you'd reply so fast, so sorry about my delay!

When I tried creating a new project it worked fine, which made me realize the only possibly problem could be the graphics device settings I'm using, so I went out and removed the function that creates those settings - and guess what? It worked. Here's the function:

/// <summary> /// A simple realm of uniquity game. /// </summary> public RealmOfUniquity() { //IsMouseVisible = true; GraphicDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); GraphicDeviceManager.PreparingDeviceSettings += GraphicDeviceManager_PreparingDeviceSettings; Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; GraphicsManager.Penumbra = new Penumbra.PenumbraComponent(this); Components.Add(GraphicsManager.Penumbra); }

/// <summary> /// When it's preparing device things. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void GraphicDeviceManager_PreparingDeviceSettings(object sender, PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs e) { e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth = 1368; e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight = (int)(e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth * 0.56222f); e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleCount = 8; e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.RenderTargetUsage = RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents; }

The problem seems to be caused by: e.GraphicsDeviceInformation.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleCount = 8;

Any ideas? I could technically remove this though I'd prefer to keep it in as it was in a sample that once teached me how to get better drawing results. Oh also, if I remove it (or use your lighting engine) it also no longer seems to preserve contents - which in my case it really needs to, to stop flickering effects.

discosultan commented 7 years ago

Hmm, seems to be two different issues.

For multisampling, I'm not really sure how to check for hardware support through MonoGame API, but I presume you had it working in a project without Penumbra? There's an issue at MonoGame repo (https://github.com/MonoGame/MonoGame/issues/4734) which makes be doubt if it's even working correctly...

As for flickering and preserving contents, I've made some changes to the way Penumbra specific render targets are created (https://github.com/discosultan/penumbra/commit/18e0af4c17dc965ff4a2998f085fa4b51ccca2fa). Can you build the latest Penumbra from source and verify it changes things for you? I'll push a new version of the nuget package if it solves it for you.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I just build and tested out the latest source - the flickering is still there. In my specific project (which is probably why it's flickering in the first place) I create several render targets during the draw method in case a part of the world has been edited or changed, meaning that at best it 'd be updating several render targets and also changing the graphics device buffer - might this be of any help to fixing the problem? I had the flickering before, and changing it to preserve contents did the trick for me. Here's how I create those rendertargets I mentioned:

    if (RenderTarget == null)
        RenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(SpriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, BoundingBox.Width, BoundingBox.Height, false, SpriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
        BackgroundTarget = new RenderTarget2D(SpriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, BoundingBox.Width, BoundingBox.Height, false, SpriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);


    // drawing here

    SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, RealmOfUniquity.CameraMatrix);

    this.UpdateRenderTarget = false; 

// draw render target here
ghost commented 7 years ago

The flickering still exists when using the following code:

   ` private void BuildRenderTargets()
        // issue exists with or without commenting this out
       // DestroyRenderTargets();

        PresentationParameters pp = Engine.Device.PresentationParameters;

        Lightmap = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Device, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight, false,
        pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat, pp.MultiSampleCount, pp.RenderTargetUsage);
        LightmapBindings[0] = Lightmap;
        DiffuseMap = new RenderTarget2D(Engine.Device, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight, false,
        pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat, pp.MultiSampleCount, pp.RenderTargetUsage);
        DiffuseMapBindings[0] = DiffuseMap;

        Logger.Write("New lightmap textures created");
discosultan commented 7 years ago

I'm currently out of ideas of what might be causing it.

If you could share a project where the flickering is present, I might be able to help you.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Is it possible I can add you somewhere where I can share the project with you? Instant messaging would be great.

discosultan commented 7 years ago

Enabled access to render targets used by Penumbra (https://github.com/discosultan/penumbra/commit/64c818a1517fb2c18b314e619f9ba9f879bdf11a).