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Use of POSTGRESQL instead of MariaDB #101

Open taaaahahaha opened 3 weeks ago

taaaahahaha commented 3 weeks ago

I havent been using go as a backend service and was wondering which configuration files should be changed to switch the database from mariadb to postgres. I did import _ "github.com/lib/pq" inside cli.go, but ./discuit migrate is taking a lot of time (The database creds are working and discuit database is created)

Codycody31 commented 3 weeks ago

The Discuit codebase is built around MariaDB/MySQL, so it isn't meant to use PostgreSQL. for example:


has "mysql:// hardcoded, and while it may be possible it would require a large amount of altering in the codebase and migrations given they are for MySQL.

taaaahahaha commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I know. I have updated the codebase to accept connections from postgres, however am running into issues when migrate is being ran.