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[Bug] Permalink to comment does not scroll properly to comment in image posts #57

Open reallytiredofclowns opened 2 months ago

reallytiredofclowns commented 2 months ago

My assumption is that a permalink to a comment should scroll to the comment in question when loading a post. For example, in this relatively massive thread of 500 comments, pasting this URL into my browser scrolls directly to the comment:


This appears to work also for link posts. This scrolls to the (current) last comment in the link post: https://discuit.net/DiscuitMeta/post/T6RfqFsG/17c31a51b2697b97b9ae9c30

It doesn't work for image posts, as far as I can tell. Examples:




My guess is this is due to the code not taking into account image height, as the erroneous offset seems smaller in pictures that are short.

Codycody31 commented 2 months ago

This shouldn't be super hard to fix (meaning it is hard), maybe it's possible to get the height of the image and then ensure we take that into account when going to the comment? Once we know the height of the image, we should be able to just pass it down from ui/src/pages/Post/index.jsx->ui/src/pages/Post/CommentSection.jsx->ui/src/pages/Post/Comment.jsx.


Should fix

      if (imageHeight) {
        const pos = imageHeight + div.current.getBoundingClientRect().top - 500;
        window.scrollTo(0, pos);
      } else {
        const pos =
          document.documentElement.scrollTop + div.current.getBoundingClientRect().top - 100;
        window.scrollTo(0, pos);
noClaps commented 2 months ago

Since each comment has its commentId in its id attribute, couldn't you just do something like a document.getElementById(commentId).scrollIntoView()? It would be a lot more consistent, although it would rely on the comment being loaded in first before it can be selected by getElementById().

Codycody31 commented 2 months ago

Maybe. The way I wrote it works, however I can give what you said a try. I think the way it does it right now is so that it doesn't have to be rendered to focus on it. However I have no idea if that's true

noClaps commented 2 months ago

You could also try adding it to the URL hash, and that would scroll to it automatically. That wouldn't work for comments that get hidden behind "More comments" since the element with the id would have to be rendered in. Then again, I don't know if the current approach works for that either.

If my approach works I think it would be better than trying to guess where the comment would be.

reallytiredofclowns commented 2 months ago

Hmmm noClaps is correct; the "More Comments" overflow doesn't work with the existing codebase.

This comment is in a massive 500-comment post and doesn't scroll: https://discuit.net/general/post/ze0qhfVG/1779f233d1b6b17b04e62fca. Once the additional comment is loaded, it's highlighted as if it were focussed.

It's not because it's a deleted comment; that scrolls fine here: https://discuit.net/general/post/ze0qhfVG/1779e5b3c931ec6677930879

Codycody31 commented 2 months ago

ah okay, what if we first did a check to ensure the comment exists, and if it does then just keep calling the API till we reach it? I believe that would solve the issue of not scrolling to it. And i'll give what noclaps said a try out, it seems it would make it actually appear properly each time

reallytiredofclowns commented 2 months ago

Hmmm, Reddit does this by directing comment permalinks to the local context. This comment, for example, is not in Reddit's initial page load, and the permalink doesn't go to the full post. Not sure if Discuit has the supporting architecture for this, though. This is turning into a nontrivial problem...

Codycody31 commented 2 months ago

yeah, I don't believe we can be that selective currently