Open sujal-98 opened 6 months ago
Greetings @sujal-98🎀 ! , We are excited to have you dive into another issue with us!🚀 Your involvement in our project has been invaluable, and we're confident that your skills and insights will help us conquer this challenge😇.
Brief Description 🤓
The eCommerce API provides endpoints for user authentication, product management, shopping cart functionality, and order processing. Secure access is ensured via JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
Endpoint: /api/auth/register Method: POST Description: Registers a new user and returns a JWT token.
Endpoint: /api/auth/login Method: POST Description: Authenticates a user and provides a JWT token. Products
Endpoint: /api/products/add Method: POST Description: Adds a new product. Requires admin authentication.
Endpoint: /api/products/ Method: GET Description: Retrieves a list of all products.
Endpoint: /api/products/find/:id Method: GET Description: Retrieves the product with associated ids.
Endpoint: /api/products/upd/:id Method: PUT Description: Updates an existing product. Requires admin authentication.
Endpoint: /api/products/del/:id Method: DELETE Description: Deletes a product. Requires admin authentication. Cart
Add Product to Cart
Endpoint: /api/cart/add Method: POST Description: Adds a product to the user's cart. Requires authentication.
Endpoint: /api/cart/ Method: GET Description: Retrieves the user's cart contents.
Endpoint: /api/cart/upd/:productId Method: PUT Description: Updates the quantity of a product in the cart. Requires authentication.
Endpoint: /api/cart/del/:productId Method: DELETE Description: Removes a product from the cart. Requires authentication. Orders
Endpoint: /api/orders/add Method: POST Description: Places an order from the cart. Requires authentication.
Endpoint: /api/orders Method: GET Description: Retrieves a list of the user's orders.
Endpoint: /api/orders/upd/:id Method: Put Description: Make changes to an order.
Endpoint: /api/orders/del/:id Method: Delete Description: deletes an order.
Endpoint: /api/orders/income Method: GET Description: Calculates the monthly sales for admin. Requires authentication.
How will you develop it?🤩
Initialize Node.js and Express project. Create directory structure: routes, models, middleware.
Database Integration
Use MongoDB with Mongoose. Define models for Users, Products, Carts, Orders. User Authentication
Implement JWT authentication middleware. Protect admin routes.
Create routes for: Registration (/api/auth/register) Login (/api/auth/login)
Product Management
Create routes for:
Add Product (/api/products/add) View Products (/api/products) View Specific Product (/api/products/find/:id) Update Product (/api/products/upd/:id) Delete Product (/api/products/del/:id)
Shopping Cart
Create routes for: Add to Cart (/api/cart/add) View Cart (/api/cart) Update Cart Item (/api/cart/upd/:productId) Remove from Cart (/api/cart/del/:productId)
Order Processing
Create routes for: Place Order (/api/orders/add) View Orders (/api/orders) Update Order (/api/orders/upd/:id) Delete Order (/api/orders/del/:id) View Monthly Sales (/api/orders/income) Middleware and Security
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