disk91 / WioLoRaWANFieldTester

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Issue compiling #10

Closed wbefield closed 2 years ago

wbefield commented 2 years ago

I have edited keys.h with my DevEUI, AppEUI, and AppKey. When I compiled the code I'm getting this error message.

'exit status 1 'processLoRaConfig' was not declared in this scope'

It compiled perfectly and Wio is working properly once I Commented out the following lines of code.

// Make sure the LoraWan configuration has been made if not wait for the configuration boolean zero = true; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) { if ( loraConf.deveui[i] != 0 ) zero = false; } if ( zero ) { configPending(); while (true) { processLoRaConfig(); } }

As well as commenting out the following code in keys.h #ifndef __KEYS_H #endif

disk91 commented 2 years ago

It should be fixed in commit 3eb3bf1522bf4a2e9b922755bf934a8b279e32f9 Please git pull and compile w/o your modifications Was compiling on my Arduino platform, strange

wbefield commented 2 years ago

It is compiling now. That worked.

wbefield commented 2 years ago

Let me know if you want me to open a new ticket for these two additional issues. I'm seeing "Lost" quite a bit on the 1st line of info on the WIO Screen. Is this due to the late packet issue?

Also seeing in Helium Console Debug. I highlighted in Bold below.

Downlink: Queued Event Information a few seconds ago { "id": "2a2ba17a-b8a7-4df4-84c8-6c1702e17eb2", "router_uuid": "02eaa709-342c-4fb6-ae30-026a8e4d950d", "category": "downlink", "sub_category": "downlink_queued", "description": "Downlink queued in last place", "fcnt_down": 6, "payload": "Unsupported unicode escape sequence in payload", "payload_size": 6, "port": 2, "reported_at": "1629490521538"