disk91 / WioLoRaWANFieldTester

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AS923 max tx power in WioLoRaWANFieldTester #15

Closed ubiru closed 2 years ago

ubiru commented 2 years ago

The max tx power set up in the wio terminal for AS923 is 16dBm. This shouldn't be limited at 16dBm as some countries in AS923 region may have different regulated EIRP. For example, 26dBm is the regulated EIRP in Indonesia. So if WIO max tx is set as 16dBm, even an 8dbi antenna wouldn't be able to achieve the max EIRP. Even 10 dBi antenna wouldn't too with the reduction in cable loss. Can the max tx power for WIO for this purpose (yours and seeed version) be revised to 22 dBm for AS923? Since some people may use the stock antenna that come with the LORA/GPS module from Seeed for the WIO terminal (i believe it is only 1.2 dBi. never got the clear answer from Seeedstudio).

0hotpotman0 commented 2 years ago

You can have a look the AS923 parameter at this link. AS923 default Max EIRP is 16dBm.

ubiru commented 2 years ago

Hi 0hotpotman0,

You can find the EIRP value for some of the AS923 region countries here in Helium github, which you can find the link of some asian country regulation for LORA AS923 EIRP value.


Already has Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Which you can see that the EIRP for these countries is 400-500 mW (26-27 dBm).

disk91 commented 2 years ago

The max power has been updated to 22dBm for AS923 with a default set to 16dBm. This will be improved later as much as possible