disk91 / WioLoRaWANFieldTester

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My 2022 Field Tester Kit No Longer Sends #79

Closed mheadpme closed 1 month ago

mheadpme commented 8 months ago

I purchased WIO terminal SKU 114992777 from seeedstudio about a year ago. It worked well! I try it now and although I see a green Cnx after Join in manual mode. I press button again and see green Tx, but I see only 0001 LOST, 0002 LOST, … I never see a good transmission. I suspect something about payment has gone bad although I doubt I've sent 200000 messages. My tester is DevEUI 6081F948066862FE AppEUI 6081F9EFD73D2E9A. Question 1: what must I do to get my tester going again?

I set up a Helium account following ConfigureHelium.md. I can see the DevEUI and AppEUI for my device in this account. I understand how to enter these into the tester at power on reset. I can see the Helium App Key but I can not see how to enter this into the tester. So I can not tell my tester to connect to my Helium account. Question 2: how do I input the App Key from Helium into the tester?

And Question 3: Is this Github Issue the best place to ask stupid questions?

disk91 commented 8 months ago


There is nothing changed on your Wio, the DCs are ok and I see join Request from yesterday. Apparently the device did you get the join accept to join. Eventually the distance to the hotspot is too close, I see a strong signal level. To get communication make sure you use it outdoor with a good GPS coverage. So basically for your 1st question : just be patient.

Question 2: If you want to configure it on your own account, please follow the full procedure described in issue #34

Question 3 : it's not the more accurate but it works. If you're on discord it can be more interactive ;)

mheadpme commented 8 months ago

Hi Paul

Thanks for quick reply!

Question 1: I placed tester outside. Set 8 dbm, SF 07, Retry 0, Auto 15 m. See green GPS dot, green Cnx right away. Sure enough after many hours of red “x” in all displays I see green bars start and keep going for the last couple hours. The power of patience! Question 1 is answered.

Question 4: What caused this extreme latency?

Question 2: I'll give up attempting my own Helium account since you indicate my tester should work with your account. Question 2 is answered.

Question 3: I am on Discord. Please suggest a phrase to enter at Discord / Explore Discoverable Servers / Explore communities search box that will bring back a community(s) appropriate for obtaining answers to questions such as I asked here. I'll post future questions there.

Thank you very much for supporting this useful Tester!