Open zokl opened 4 years ago
PC0 is LoRa Reset PC1 is LoRa Tx boost PC2 is LoRa Radio switch My experience is keeping these signals unconnected during sleep will be a source of over-consumption. In this example the sx1276 stack is not initialized until you get the right settings so you can have a certain number of sequence where the sx1276 power consumption is not correct. You can call SX1276InitLowPower(); to corectly set all that stuff low power before initialize sigfox /lora. I'm not sure this answers your question but it could. I did not make a power test on this example (I will) but basically on my prod application I don't have a such issue even with the same PC0,1,2 configuration. Let me know about your progress on this.
PC0 is LoRa Reset PC1 is LoRa Tx boost PC2 is LoRa Radio switch My experience is keeping these signals unconnected during sleep will be a source of over-consumption. In this example the sx1276 stack is not initialized until you get the right settings so you can have a certain number of sequence where the sx1276 power consumption is not correct. You can call SX1276InitLowPower(); to corectly set all that stuff low power before initialize sigfox /lora. I'm not sure this answers your question but it could. I did not make a power test on this example (I will) but basically on my prod application I don't have a such issue even with the same PC0,1,2 configuration. Let me know about your progress on this.
Thank you for your answer it is corresponding with my investigation. I have tried several code modifications and now I am able to sleep with power consumption till 3 uA. I will try to make more test in that area.
Thank you very much.
I found an issue with power consumption in HALT mode with pin PC0_RESERVED_Pin. In your example, you work with PC0 as a reserved pin. If you send the system to sleep the first time everything is hood and the system has a consumption about 3 uA. After waking up and then going to sleep again, the power consumption increase to 2 mA per each other sleep. The problem is in pin PC0 (PC0_RESERVED_Pin). If I disable this pin sleeping works without a problem. The sigfox sending too.
Do you know the reason why the PCx reserved pins are activated? If I try to disable PC0, PC1, and PC2 everything works without problem (sleeping, sending, etc.).
Thank you very much for your answer.