diskin-lab-chop / AutoGVP

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Bug: criterion, adjusted autopvs1 cols not retained in final output #154

Closed rjcorb closed 1 year ago

rjcorb commented 1 year ago

Provide the command used or report the bug here

Final autogvp output currently does not retain autopvs1 criterion column. Additionally, raw evidence columns (PVS1, PM, etc.) are being retained rather than corrected evidence columns. See example below, where all variants with criterion == "na" should have PVS1 == 0 in final output:

# A tibble: 17 × 3
   vcf_id              criterion evidencePVS1
   <chr>               <chr>            <dbl>
 1 1-236736564-C-T     na                   1
 2 10-72204485-G-C     na                   1
 3 11-47285079-C-T     na                   1
 4 14-74296383-G-C     na                   1
 5 15-82688452-CG-C    na                   1
 6 16-58543411-GA-G    na                   1
 7 16-89649432-G-A     na                   1
 8 17-17221490-C-T     na                   1
 9 17-63838627-G-A     na                   1
10 17-76291810-G-A     na                   1
11 4-1093699-G-A       na                   1
12 4-142028797-TC-T    na                   1
13 5-83353124-G-A      na                   1
14 6-41798694-C-CCCCCA na                   1
15 6-47795559-C-CAA    na                   1
16 7-80671101-G-GA     na                   1
17 7-80672795-C-CA     na                   1

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