diskin-lab-chop / AutoGVP

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Update wrapper script conditionals and base directory #185

Closed rjcorb closed 11 months ago

rjcorb commented 11 months ago

Purpose/implementation Section

What feature is being added or bug is being addressed?

Closes #182. This PR adds conditionals to ensure that all necessary ClinVar files are downloaded prior to running AutoGVP. A base directory was also defined and file paths were adjusted such that run_autogvp.sh can now be run from any directory.

What was your approach?

What GitHub issue does your pull request address?


Directions for reviewers. Tell potential reviewers what kind of feedback you are soliciting.

Which areas should receive a particularly close look?

To check that input files are downloaded when they are not present, please remove files variant_summary.txt.gz, submission_summary.txt.gz, and ClinVar-selected-submissions.tsv from working directory, and then run autogvp from root directory:

bash run_autogvp.sh --workflow="cavatica" \
--vcf=data/test_pbta.single.vqsr.filtered.vep_105.vcf \
--filter_criteria='FORMAT/DP>=10 (FORMAT/AD[0:1-])/(FORMAT/DP)>=0.2 (gnomad_3_1_1_AF_non_cancer<0.001|gnomad_3_1_1_AF_non_cancer=".")' \
--intervar=data/test_pbta.hg38_multianno.txt.intervar \
--multianno=data/test_pbta.hg38_multianno.txt \
--autopvs1=data/test_pbta.autopvs1.tsv \
--outdir=results \

Is there anything that you want to discuss further?

This can also be tested to run from different directories, but the input file paths in the above command would need to be changed accordingly.

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