dispersionlab / gitShow6

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New patches not pushed into Github #1

Open Aidakhors opened 4 years ago

Aidakhors commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael,

I have played around with the assigned session on VCV rack, and then I pushed in on Github application on my Apple Macbook Pro. But now I check my profile on web it doesn't show pushed and saved patches there. I tried to open both at the same time, pushed them again but no luck! Could you please help! Thanks!

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago

Thanks Aida!

ok, so first up, you can tag me (or anyone else in our team) using the @ symbol, like so @Aidakhors so that the person knows to check this issue :) You can also assign people and add labels using the column to the right of the page. you can ignore 'projects' and 'milestones' for now

so open terminal, and make sure terminal is working in the same folder as gitshow6 on your computer. The easiest way to do this is to locate the gitshow6 folder, type 'cd' in terminal, then drag and drop the folder into the terminal session and press Enter. Terminal will switch to the gitshow6 repo.

in my case:

cd /Users/mp/gitshow6

Then, check to make sure you've committed some changes to the repository:

git log

Could you copy and paste some of the printout from the git log command as a reply to this thread?

Aidakhors commented 4 years ago

@michaelpalumbo It might be because of this Last login: Thu Dec 12 14:14:04 on console Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ cd/Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6 -bash: cd/Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6: No such file or directory Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ /Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6 cd/Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6 -bash: /Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6: is a directory Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ git log xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app', requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools. Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$

It's being updated. I will restart and check again.

Aidakhors commented 4 years ago

@michaelpalumbo Still the same problem! Last login: Thu Dec 12 17:04:02 on console Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ cd/Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6 -bash: cd/Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6: No such file or directory Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$ cd//Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6 -bash: cd//Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/GitHub/gitShow6: No such file or directory Aidas-MacBook-Pro:~ aidakhorsandi$

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago

ah the problem is that you need to put a space between 'cd' and the 'Users/aidakhorsandi/...' path

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago


cd Users/aidakhorsandi/Documents/Github/gitShow6
Aidakhors commented 4 years ago

Ah ok! but I ended up uploading the patches directly to a branch here on Github web.

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago

and the other problem

xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app', requesting install. Choose an option in the dialog to download the command line developer tools.

is that xcode isn't installed on your computer (and perhaps neither is git, as it requires the xcode command line tools. not to worry, here's how you overcome this:

  1. install the homebrew package manager: paste the following line exactly, into Terminal.app and press enter.

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. once homebrew is installed, you can use it to install many types of programs useful for programming. we'll need to install git:

brew install git

If it asks you whether to install the xcode command line tools, enter yes (or Y).

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago

Ah ok! but I ended up uploading the patches directly to a branch here on Github web.

hmm, ok that works too. Before I merge your branch into master for the next session, can you also create a score in markdown and record a short (~1-minute) playing of the synth? to do so, please have a look at steps 5 and 6 in the readme document: https://github.com/dispersionlab/gitShow6/blob/master/README.md

Since you're working with a new repository, you'll have to create both a new score6.md file and recording6.wav file (please name them exactly this way).

Aidakhors commented 4 years ago

@michaelpalumbo I cannot find the score file in my repository!

michaelpalumbo commented 4 years ago

@michaelpalumbo I cannot find the score file in my repository!

Some repos won't have scores or recordings because a new person joined during that session (such as yourself). In other words, it just so happened that when I rolled the dice to determine which participant would get a particular repo these past two weeks, you received a new repo.

so to move forward:

  1. download a markdown editor (I recommend MacDown)
  2. make a score for performing your VCV rack patch, save it as exactly score6.md
  3. and record your patch in vcv using the rec module (could be a performance of the score, could be an improvisation, could be neither... (just make sure it isn't larger than 20MB)
  4. name the recording exactly 'recording6.wav'
  5. upload both the score and recording to this repo :)