distr1 / distri

a Linux distribution to research fast package management
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explore fuse optimizations #59

Open stapelberg opened 4 years ago

stapelberg commented 4 years ago

jacobsa/fuse implements fuse 7.12. Current Linux kernels are at 7.31. Here are a few features which we should look into to possibly improve performance:

We should also figure out a representative benchmark for root file system performance.

We can use bpftrace to measure the number of FUSE calls during builds:

sudo bpftrace -e 'kprobe:fuse_simple_request { @[kstack(perf)] = count(); }'
stapelberg commented 4 years ago

AFAICT, building pkgs/linux looks bottlenecked on the distri fuse process. Maybe improvements can be measured by compiling pkgs/linux and measuring the time difference.

edit: gtk+-2 might be a better candidate, as it completes in ≈2 minutes instead of ≈10 minutes