distr1 / distri

a Linux distribution to research fast package management
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How do I update the Tailscale package? #83

Open danderson opened 3 years ago

danderson commented 3 years ago

While poking around on repology.org, I saw that distri has a tailscale package, and that it's quite old.

How do distri packages get updated? Can it be automated? Asking mostly because I'm having an eye right now towards automatically updating downstream distros when we release a new Tailscale, and distri's proto description seems like it would be feasible to update via a robot...

stapelberg commented 3 years ago

While poking around on repology.org, I saw that distri has a tailscale package, and that it's quite old.

It was up to date when I did the last distri release in May :) Given that distri releases once a year or so, it’s to be expected that the package is somewhat old.

Note that distri is a research distribution, so it seems rather unlikely that end users would be using the tailscale package in it. Just noting this upfront so that you can prioritize accordingly.

How do distri packages get updated? Can it be automated?

Packages are updated manually right now, and yes, there is some automation around it: see https://distr1.org/release-notes/supersilverhaze/#txtpbfmt for distri scaffold -pull, which updates individual packages programmatically.

Asking mostly because I'm having an eye right now towards automatically updating downstream distros when we release a new Tailscale, and distri's proto description seems like it would be feasible to update via a robot...

For frequently-changing packages (e.g. google-chrome), I wanted to play around with a dynamically constructed package repository that pulls in new versions. Let me know if this sounds interesting and I can explain some more.