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Should have QR code for schedule load into gigity #45

Open mih opened 6 months ago

mih commented 6 months ago

Right now it says "enter the link to the schedule file inside the app".

People will need to make the connection that the URL linked from "XML" is that "schedule file" and then copy/paste into giggity.

@adswa pointed out that giggity can do better: https://github.com/Wilm0r/giggity?tab=readme-ov-file#deeplinking-into-giggity


On my phone this does not work. Neither with DuckDuckGo nor with Chrome.

mslw commented 6 months ago

I tried the QR code above on Firefox Mobile (which has QR code scanner built-in), and it didn't work for me either. It shows a page with an admonition that "Likely you don't have Giggitty installed on your phone (I do), or it's an ancient version (nope). Or if you're using Firefox (I am), you may have to click on a little Android logo in your address bar now (no such thing is shown)".

adswa commented 6 months ago

I tried through a bunch of "old" QR codes from events that shared their schedule in this form, and I got none of them to work. This to me sounds like the app has lost this feature in recent versions. https://github.com/Wilm0r/giggity/commit/b21844d75738e5f3c9ce1649a2c052b93872c196 also removes a documented "scan QR code" feature description from the README