district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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Suplex (0xWF) - Interactive story driven digital collectible marketplace #189

Open MCDForm opened 6 years ago

MCDForm commented 6 years ago


Suplex (0xWF) - Fantasy wrestling ecosystem with story driven content, strategic gameplay, token based curation market, unique digital collectibles and fan interaction.


To provide a fully integrated imaginary wrestling ecosystem with story driven content, strategic gameplay, token based curation market, unique digital collectibles and fan interaction.

This district is composed of three separate marketplaces, a digital collectible tokenization system, a district specific token, and a curation market. These features are incorporated into a turn based PvP wrestling game with a token based economy that creates an ecosystem where all users become financially vested into the district and can reward themselves with payouts at any time.

Description & Overview of Structure

Cliff Notes (Brief Description)

Suplex is a turn based PvP wrestling game with three different types of marketplaces.

  1. Managers create wrestlers and battle against other users

  2. Winners are rewarded with tokens based on reputation (Hero/Heel)

  3. Managers contract writers to develop story lines in the Writer Marketplace a. Writers are rewarded with tokens based on view, upvotes and output.

  4. Content creators (artists/musicians) create and sell unique digital collectibles in the Digital Collectible Marketplace with ownership staked to the blockchain.

  5. Fans purchase tokens to trade for collectibles.

  6. Fans can stake tokens to wrestlers as Superfans or become regular fans for free and use chat room and message board style “smack talk”

  7. Everyone can “bet” on matches by creating bounties from the Bounty Marketplace


  1. District tokens are purchased with currency. All currency enters a community pool.
  2. All in district transactions occur using district tokens.
  3. A token represents a share of the community pool.
  4. Token reward splits between writers, wrestlers, reserve and profit are determined by stakeholders.
  5. Tokens can be used to cash out of community pool.
  6. Tokens are burnt when cashed out, staked as a superfan or used in transaction cost.
  7. The cost of tokens is dependent on total amount of tokens available and current pool.
  8. Tokens are fully transferrable.

Stakeholder Governance – Three Levels

  1. Basic Level a. Pricing of tokens and matches
  2. Mid Level a. Use of community pool b. Redistribution c. Profit d. Special engagements/prizes e. Operating costs
  3. Highest Level a. Token Distribution b. Dictate balance of league between wrestlers, writers, reserve fund and profit c. Balance can be shifted to emphasize importance of certain aspects.

Very In depth Description

*Dollar amounts and revenue splits indicated in this proposal were chosen for ease of presentation. Actual costs will be voted on by stakeholders.

Strategic Wrestling Game

The districts entry point is a turn based PvP wrestling game

  1. Customizable wrestlers
  2. Select moves each cycle
  3. Selectable opponents
  4. Trade purchasable tokens for match play
  5. Wrestlers win tokens based on winning matches and Hero/Heel reputation.

    Owning a Wrestler

  6. A Manager can use tokens to create as many wrestlers as they’d like. Wrestler creation includes the choice of a free wrestler sprite (non-collectible)
  7. Wrestlers are tokenized as proof of ownership at time of creation.


  8. Leagues are limited to 50 wrestlers
  9. New leagues open when needed.
  10. Wrestlers can join stables (groups of wrestlers) that exist across league.

Story Driven Content

The Suplex ecosystem is nourished through storytelling. Writers will play a vital role in developing complex storylines that intrigue fans and encourage them to choose their favorite heroes and heels. Writers will develop stories alone and in collaboration with other writers. Stories will be posted on a continual basis in a format similar to Medium or an informative blog. Writers stories can include long campaigns, sneak attacks, interviews or any other content. Writers will receive tokens based on number of page views per story, reputation and output. Each league will have its own story line since they will each contain unique wrestlers. Writers will be contracted through a writer marketplace but they can also work independently.

Writer Marketplace

  1. Writers will create profiles with writing samples. Profiles will include writers previous and current writing contracts, total page views and reputation.
  2. Managers can attempt to hire writers and sign them to a contract. Managers can offer signing bonuses. They can also ask for exclusive rights from the writer.
  3. If a writer accepts the contract they will deliver content for the Manager, wrestler or stable as agreed to in the contract.
  4. If the writer did not sign an exclusive contract they can write for an unlimited number of wrestlers.
  5. Other than the signing bonus, the writer will not be paid directly by the manager. Writers will receive tokens in exchange for story views, reputation and output. Writers can earn a greater number of tokens by signing with a higher quality wrestler.
  6. Writers and managers can terminate the contract at any time and must pay any “termination” fee that was included in the initial contract.

Digital Collectible Marketplace

Sample digital collectibles - Wrestler/Swag/Stable giantringskull The district will include a marketplace for users to acquire unique, limited edition digital collectibles with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain via the Memefactory token minting process (or hash to smart contract if necessary).

  1. Collectibles can be in one of five categories: Four art categories (24x24 pixel art) including wrestlers, swag, stable symbols, and managers. The fifth category is unique wrestler theme music.
  2. Wrestler profiles (W/L record, title history, reputation) may also be traded on the marketplace.
  3. The creators will determine if a product is unique, limited or unlimited. Products can be part of a series and can also be commissioned by managers or fans and traded directly between them.
  4. Creators reputation scores will be based upon number of items sold.
  5. Collectibles will be shown in user profiles and a small number of collectible images can be equipped to be visible whenever the user’s name is visible.
  6. Collectibles will be staked to the blockchain and can be gifted, traded or auctioned for tokens.
  7. Special collectibles will be offered by the district that provide “boosts” to wrestlers that meet certain skill levels.
  8. The district will also provide non tradeable collectibles like Title Belts. The history of the title belt will be stored on the blockchain..
  9. The marketplace is district wide and goods can be traded between leagues.

Token Driven Economy & Curation Market

The curation market, as created by Simon de la Rouviere, is a model that allows groups to more effectively coordinate and earn from value they co-create around shared goals. The curation market model includes a token that increases in cost as each new token is issued. In this district the cost of 10 tokens would increase based on the current prize pool but would be held at a minimum of $1.00 (in this example). A floating match price could be implemented by the district to prevent match fees from becoming exorbitant.
The chart below is based on an example of two 50 wrestler leagues where each wrestler pays for an average of 3.5 matches and fans spend $300 on tokens.

The model for this district would work as such:

  1. Tokens are only created when users trade currency to acquire them. The tokens are then used to create wrestlers, have matches, purchase goods, pay for transactions, and services.
  2. A token equates to 1 share of the district profit pool which is created by reserving 90% of all currency spent. 8% of the currency spent is stored in the district funds reserve and 2% is distributed to stakeholders. All or portions of the reserve can be transferred to the profit pool as seen fit or used for unforeseen circumstances, or to commission special collectibles for the ecosystem.
  3. The cost of a token is $1.00 (example) or the current value of a token share, whichever is higher.
  4. When tokens are used in a match they enter a large pool which is then distributed according to a stakeholder determined ratio (50/50 in this example) to the wrestlers and writers.
  5. The wrestler portion is divided among the winners, the heroes and heels using a defined payout structure.
  6. The writers are paid by story views, reputation and a small portion is divided among all contributors.
  7. Tokens are fully transferable and can be used to trade for digital collectibles, traded or given away.
  8. Tokens are burnt (destroyed) by cashing out, purchasing items directly from the district, by staking tokens as a Super Fan and by paying for transactions.
  9. When a user decides to cash out, their tokens are burnt, and in return they receive a share of the pool equal to the percentage of tokens they own. If they own 100 of 1000 tokens they will receive 10% of the pool.
  10. The profit pool will grow weekly with cash injections caused by token purchases for goods, services and matches.
  11. Tokens are non fractional and all transactions must use whole numbers.

Summary of Methods to Acquire Tokens

  1. Trade currency for tokens
  2. Trade collectibles for tokens
  3. Receive tokens as a gift
  4. Acquire through bounty
  5. Wrestlers earn tokens by winning matches and through reputation stats.
  6. Writers earn tokens through signing bonuses, completing special assignments, producing stories, pageviews on stories and story reputation.

    Fan Interaction

    Fan involvement will be closely tied to the quality of story writing. The writer's story driven content will open a pathway for fans to choose their favorite wrestler or least favorite heel (villain). Their like and dislike for characters will lead to “Smack Talk” or interactive discussions in chat rooms/messageboards. Fans will be responsible for reading and upvoting stories prepared by writers which will result in them playing a large part in the way stories are presented and will affect the growth of a writer's investment.

Fans can stake a claim to a wrestler (0 tokens) increasing their reputation by 1 point. The most extreme fans can use a token to stake a claim to a wrestler as a Super Fan which increases their reputation by 10 points. A wrestler’s reputation points directly affect the number of tokens they receive weekly and could result in certain collectibles becoming more valuable.

Fans can defend their favorite wrestlers and receive donations from managers and other fans for their loyalty. They can become digital creators and create product to trade for tokens which can then be used to trade for rarer products that show their diehard loyalty to a specific wrestler or stable. Or the fan can use their tokens to cash out and make some money while pursuing their passion.

Fans can give collectibles or tokens to wrestlers and wrestlers can do the same to fans. If a fan feels like a wrestler could use a “boost” he may buy it just for him. Fans would be encouraged to create their own districts, blogs, newsletters, fan art and podcasts surrounding leagues.

The bounty marketplace will also play a vital role in fan/wrestler and fan/fan interaction.


A vital element for growth and participation is constant engagement and tension between managers, wrestlers and fans. Bounties will create and reward the creation of this tension by utilizing a wager system.

  1. The marketplace can be used for wagers of fan v. fan, fan v. manager and manager v. manager.
  2. A bounty is a wager that can be based on one match, multiple matches or even multiple wrestlers.
  3. Bounties will be created using a marketplace system where a user posts a bounty and another user agrees to it. The rewards will be held in a smart contract until the bounty is over.
  4. Each bounty has a reward that two (or more) users must agree to in the bounty marketplace.
    The reward for winning a bounty can be tokens or digital collectibles.

How Suplex Makes Money

In the Suplex ecosystem 90% of money generated is given back the community. The remaining 10% will be distributed 8% to a reserve fund and 2% to the stakeholders. This small fee for the stakeholders is important to keep them vested in the ecosystem and will give them a reason to vote for improvements, such as commissioning special edition collectibles, in the future.

When the district becomes home to more than one league the pool remains as one. The tokens will continue to be generated in the same manner and shares will be split among all members as described previously.


The district will be comprised of the following “pages” all optimized for mobile phone and computer monitors:

Wrestler Profile

The wrestler profile page provides the fans with everything they need to know about their favorite wrestlers. The profile will also display all collectibles owned by the wrestler.

Manager Page

  1. The manager page provides the manager with easy access to all of their wrestlers.
  2. The page will list all wrestlers under a manager and will allow them to complete their hold selection, view and trade collectibles, and view compiled stats for all wrestlers.
  3. The page will also provide easy access to all current writer contracts and bounties.
  4. Lists current share of Suplex Reserve pool.

League Page

The league page will be a repository for weekly results and information pertaining to all wrestlers in the league.


Story Page


  1. The stories for each league presented in a format similar to Feedly using a thumbnail and intro.
  2. The story page provides the reader the ability to upvote and comment.
  3. Stories can be searched or filtered by league, wrestler, date, writer, etc.
  4. Reader can choose to follow interesting story lines over the course of a campaign.



  1. Collectible Marketplace for any digital content including images, music, and wrestlers. The marketplace will feature a search by reputation, price, type, etc.
  2. Writer Marketplace - Location for writers and managers to link.
  3. Bounty Marketplace - Location for fans and managers to initiate wagers based on match results. Bounty rewards can be tokens or collectibles.

Fan Interaction Space

Chat room and message board type space allowing for constant fan interaction and discussion of wrestlers, managers and story driven events. Fans will also have profiles if they do not manage wrestlers.

Eth: 0x1c63a09C62558B2A614f48e7495291f02f99AC40

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

Wow. Nice freaking proposal @MCDForm . I heard you talk about it. So glad to see it in here.

MCDForm commented 6 years ago

@Bradymck Thanks for the comment. I worked hard on this one. It originally was going to be tested as just a wrestling game in a chat room with friends but the marketplace aspect brings it to a whole new level.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

Are you testing this or is there some traction on the chat room side of things? I would be interested in seeing anything you have.

MCDForm commented 6 years ago

I haven't tested yet. I've been working on the scoring system for the wrestlers since initially the focus was on the wrestling side and accompanying trash talk. For a small group of friends we were going to use FB messenger to send moves then input the moves into a spreadsheet/database and calculate outcomes from there. I would make this into a phone app right now if I could but my knowledge of coding is slim.

While researching for this proposal I did find there is a whole community of people who write alternative story lines for WWE for fun. These folks might take some interest in this and also get paid while they are at it.

simondlr commented 6 years ago

This is such a cool combination of many interesting things! 👏🏽

Bradymck commented 4 years ago

Hey! We just launched the District Registry. 😎

If you are still working on this project, be sure to submit it to the registry if you want to see it built as one of the next districts.

We will be deprecating the old voting app and Github proposal system now that the registry is live.

If you aren't working on this be sure to stake your DNT into the districts you want to see remain in the Registry. https://registry.district0x.io/

Your staked tokens act as an 'Upvote' within the registry. Similar to any TCR, you will also receive a portion of the challenge rewards if anyone ever challenges the district. So be sure to migrate any tokens you used in the old voting app.

I will be streaming today now that the registry looks stable and people are beginning to stake DNT. We will dive in, answer all your questions and help get you started. Hope to see you later today!

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/district0x