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Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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District Proposal: Diplr - Managing Intellectual Property using blockchain technology #192

Open Qkyrie opened 6 years ago

Qkyrie commented 6 years ago


Name of District

"Diplr" - Managing Intellectual Property using blockchain technology


We believe in world where intellectual property - be it documents, ideas, art and so much more - can be freely registered, incontestably verified and openly managed in an economical fashion.

Registering and verifying a piece of intellectual property has always been a hassle. There has never been a real way to do this in a public environment and no open way to formally verify something as IP. If these things aren't available yet, then surely adding a marketplace [see economization] for IP could be seen as a disruption in this market segment.


Intellectual property is a broad concept. What IP means to us, might mean something else to you. To understand what it means to us, we start from the official definition and expand on it to make it suit the needs of what we think intellectual property should be.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the intellect for which a monopoly is assigned to designated owners by law. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are the rights granted to the creators of IP, and include trademarks, copyright, patents, industrial design rights, and in some jurisdictions trade secrets. Artistic works including music and literature, as well as discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs can all be protected as intellectual property. source: wikipedia

We think this definition is quite clear, but there's one thing that stands out that we'd like to see changed: By Law The fact that intellectual property is defined by law is something we find worrying. A lot of questions arise.

What if there is a way to trustlessly register and verify intellectual property? Can we really formally trust an entity with registering and verifying IP?

Blockchain is more than just distributed technology. It implies trust in every sense of the word. By relying on blockchain technologies we can cut out the entities which are believed to be trusted with your intellectual property. We can actually have a technology which can be trusted with the formal verification process.

We believe blockchain technology can disrupt the entire industry. We believe blockchain technology can change the way people think about intellectual property.

User Interface

Working on an MVP, we've come up with an easy, intuitive version of the registration process. The basic dashboard for managing your IP would come in a great - material design - user interface.

upload metadata


Managing intellectual property - creating, finding and verifying - would be a great start, but it is our understanding that we shouldn't stop there. Creating Diplr, as blockchain technology, would make it the perfect platform to economize intellectual property. Imagine being able to transfer the rights to ideas, documents or even art to other people, making them entitled to the IP. Imagine not only transferring and asking for something in return, but even creating auctions on the platform.

Ethereum Address


MCDForm commented 6 years ago

I like your proposal and have a similarly themed one (different but similar). My question is, without "Law" what are intellectual property rights? Without law as a foundation everything becomes open source and free to use. It seems that in a decentralized state that things such as IPR will be virtual in a sense that they only show who created something but the ownership won't actually matter.

In the U.S. CBP enforces IPR ownership when products enter the country, if it is registered with them. More information found here on how to register: https://iprr.cbp.gov/ search for IPR:https://iprs.cbp.gov/#/

Like I said I like this proposal and it stimulated some thoughts. My proposal is Tokenize It which is not so much concerned with IPR but with actual ownership.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

As the plugin architecture comes on line I would love to use this with a Ujo Music plug in for royalty splitting of music.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

Can I get a token address for this proposal please.

Qkyrie commented 6 years ago

Is that something I need to provide? done

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

@Qkyrie For the proposal reward, yes

Qkyrie commented 6 years ago


Bradymck commented 6 years ago
