district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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Spire - Decentralized Spirituality & Religion #204

Open MCDForm opened 6 years ago

MCDForm commented 6 years ago


Spire - Decentralized Spirituality & Religion


To provide a way to create decentralized religions and spirituality centers and to allow potential believers to identify with and join others of similar beliefs.

This district will provide the means to search for and join spiritual groups and to participate in the shaping of the group's core values and governance. It will allow for free form or highly organized groups to form and change organically over time according to their members beliefs.


This district is a spirituality marketplace and creation platform. It will allow groups to create their own spiritual doctrine and organization and will also allow people to find spiritual groups to join.

Why decentralize religion and spirituality? Most religions are highly centralized and use donations in ways that are not acts of virtue. They also create complex systems of governance that are controlled by few and affect many. This district will create decentralized groups, called Spires, that will remove the “profit” from spirituality and will allow members to participate equally in the governance of their shared spirituality.

Many spiritual systems also currently exist in a decentralized fashion. These spiritual systems benefit from the lack of centralization but also suffer from a lack of cohesion among those with common beliefs. Creating Spires that self govern will allow these groups to maintain a sense of togetherness and will allow their beliefs to evolve in together in a way never before possible.

How will it work?

The sponsor of each Spire will create the basic spiritual belief system on a profile and a highly detailed description on a wiki style template. These profiles will define basic values, core beliefs and specific membership requirements.

In the Spire marketplace a qualified non-member can join a Spire. This process will use many Ethlance features as its foundation. Once they join a spire the member gains a single governance vote. The member also gains Spire specific tokens through participation that can be used to bring items to vote.


Unlike a centralized church that is required to select a Board of Directors each Spire is governed by the members directly. Each member will have one vote on every issue. A token staking system will be used to bring items to vote. Although not required, each Spire can create their own bylaws.

The voting and governance system will be responsible for dictating the core beliefs, rituals, formal code of doctrine, religious history, accepted literature, regular service schedule, distribution of alms and ordained spiritual advisors. These are all optional as some Spires may be completely free form and only tied together by a small set of shared beliefs.


Almsgiving involves giving to others as an act of virtue. In many cases, almsgiving involves transferring money from a pool of donations to others in need. In a decentralized Spire, alms can be voluntary or required. When the Spire needs the alms to be distributed it can occur via smart contract. Members can also vote to spend money on the purchase of items such as virtual real estate, activities, streaming services or books.

Token System:

Tokens are accumulated through participation or as defined by the Spire bylaws. Tokens are minted continuously when earned by the members. The Spire governance can also decide on alternate uses for tokens. Tokens are burnt when used for bringing items to vote.

Stakeholder Benefits

Stakeholders will dictate the fee for Spire creation, add on purchase and will also collect fees from any marketplace transactions.

Spire Composition:

Each Spire will be composed of a Wiki, a profile, a governance system, a unique token, calendar and a marketplace for any Spire related merchandise. Spires will also be able to purchase add ons to enhance their communities.

Wiki - Can include highly detailed information about the spire and may contain “scripture” like text as well as organizational information. Rules for editing the wiki/scripture will be defined by each Spire and may require tokens and staking in a fashion similar to proposal #200

Profile - Brief resume like overview of each Spire. Will include filterable and searchable terms such as reincarnation, human for god, meditation, balance, etc.

Governance System - Each Spire will include its own Aragon governance package. Members of each Spire will bring items to vote and vote using in their corresponding Aragon entity.

Calendar - Will allow Spire members to link activities to their personal calendar.

Ethereum Address:


Bradymck commented 6 years ago

Is your goal to make me create tags? lol

I keep making new ones for your proposals :+1:

MCDForm commented 6 years ago

In a way it is. I'm looking for types of communities/marketplaces that haven't been addressed yet. I can't wrap my head fully around this one but I think it could be interesting with some more collaboration.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

I feel like this could be accomplished by using the functions of ethlance, a general purpose market, 1hive, a curation market and proposal #10 for the alms. I think a general purpose forum will be useful as an auxiliary module for people to come together to create a community that simply utilizes the district functions.

The more I think about it the community proposals would work well like this if they simply used a forum connected directly to each district.

lkngtn commented 6 years ago

Totally dig this. I want emergent social organization to happen ASAP.