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Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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Game Central Station - Game Marketplace with Open Source Standard for Character Transferability #227

Open MCDForm opened 6 years ago

MCDForm commented 6 years ago


Game Central Station


Decentralized game market that provides gamers the ability to transfer characters and goods between games.


Game Central Station (GCS) is taken from the movie Wreck-It-Ralph, it is the central hub where game characters congregate while not in their games. This district is creating that hub as well as the pathway for characters to move from game to game.

This district will consist of a marketplace for games and characters as well as an open source standard for character attributes and inventories in the form of ERC721 tokens.

This is important because many people invest large amount of times into gaming, a large portion of that time is dedicated to character development. Some gamers focus on attributes and stats while others focus on appearance and gear. In the end, that time is wasted as the character dies when their interest wanes or the game no longer exists (MMORPG).

GCS will use ERC721 tokens to allow individuals to own their characters and inventories and give them the ability to transfer both from game to game.

How will this work?

The character and inventory standard will be created using a system similar to Cryptokitties with over 4 billion unique possibilities. An open source project will work to standardize the “genome” so that game creators can properly translate attributes for their specific game.

This hash stored on the blockchain will be useable by game creators and will be what allows users to transfer their characters from game to game and to own their characters build and inventory.

The graphical representation and interpretation of this code will be up to individual game designers. The open source standard will provide guidelines for character translation. This means that a characteristic for leather headwear will be leather headwear in all games but may be a leather motorcycle helmet in one and a leather archer helmet in another.

Game Design & Purchasing

Game creators can build any type of game they desire including large big budget games or small indie games. Smart contracts will be used for purchasing games and a messaging system will be used to notify gamers of their download link.

When a game is created it must be submitted to the district for approval. A test group chosen by district stakeholders will test the game and the standard. Games scoring above a certain threshold will become available on the marketplace. Beta testers staked DNT earns increased voting rights.

Games can be purchased with any cryptocurrency. The marketplace will list games by popularity, recent adds and will also list comments and reviews.


DNT stakeholders will have the right to: Vote on the acceptance or rejection of games to the marketplace via test group Vote on changes to the character and inventory standards Collect profit from marketplace sells

Future Plans

Phase 1: Establish open source character and inventory standard Phase 2: Open Marketplace Phase 3: Establish decentralized storage solution for games and saved games.

Ethereum Address:


WarKitteh commented 6 years ago

I can see this offering some solutions to early-access games. You could have built-in contracts to prevent scamming. Ex; you could create a contract that keeps track of the development process and set the value of the game from (x) ether to 0 ether if they decide to give up on the project. You could also set it up to hold the ether in another wallet which the funds get transferred to when they finish the game. Just thinking out loud.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

@WarKitteh I was just looking at Staketree, it may be a great way to accomplish something like that. For example, you could stake to the project, get an early token controlled access, similar to how Hash Rush does it. If the project slows down or halts progress, you can stop staking.