district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
212 stars 36 forks source link

https://polyswarm.io/polyswarm-whitepaper.pdf #246

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago


PerryEdu commented 6 years ago

This sounds like an interesting idea but it needs to be elaborated with real-world examples for each stage. For the non-technical individuals like myself with limited understanding of cybersecurity, it is a little difficult to conceptualize. How would this compare or be an improvement on existing products and companies who offer these services? Best regards

myhndl commented 6 years ago

The coherent parts of this proposal are plagiarized from PolySwarm's whitepaper: https://polyswarm.io/polyswarm-whitepaper.pdf

Examples of plagiarism:

  1. ...encourages rapid innovation in the lucrative anti-virus and automated cyber threat intelligence space with precise economic incentives that reward timely and accurate threat intelligence concerning... - lifted directly from PolySwarm's whitepaper

  2. Today’s enterprises and individuals rely on an ad-hoc mixture of anti-virus subscriptions, threat intelligence feeds, and assorted dynamic analysis engines to defend against evolving adversarial cyber activity in real time. Typically when choosing a solution, users must weigh the benefits and drawbacks presented by each solution and decide on the least-worst fit for their environment. - another direct copy

  3. This proposal: Guardian0x functions as a skill-required twist on a prediction market with thousands of micro-engines (“Guardian Bots”) generated by Mercenaries investigating the latest in malware evolution at machine speed - no human in the loop. PolySwarm: PolySwarm functions as a skill-required twist on a prediction market with thousands of micro-engines (“workers”) investigating the latest in malware evolution at machine speed - no human in the loop.

  4. The title is plagiarized. I mean, c'mon.

Full disclosure: I work at the company behind PolySwarm and I wrote a substantial amount of the PolySwarm whitepaper.

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

@myhndl Hey interesting thanks for pointing out. See now, if the TCR (The District Registry) was live you could have nabbed some money for this find! 🤣

We are going to be migrating all these over to the District Registry after we launch. Getting closer too, our TCR design pattern is about ready now that we are launching the one for Meme Factory and standardizing everything.

Regardless, closing out. Thanks for the heads up!