district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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DecentTRIP, Decentralized tour & activities marketplace #258

Open devloepr1 opened 6 years ago

devloepr1 commented 6 years ago




Create a marketspace for bringing travellers and tour operators (companies and individuals) together. Ensure quality by stakeholders and customer reviews. Get rid of huge commissions of the middle man(15-40% just for online booking), bring quality activities to users, purely based on customer reviews instead of sponsors. Let tour operators take reservations directly from their website (masked DecentTrip endpoint or api) Provide API for the booking ledger of tour operator, so that, their existing resellers can also enter a record (e.g. reserve a spot in segway tour at 14.30 sunday). (this would help with availability since tours are sold by many resellers online/offline)

Description :

Currently tour and activities marketspaces are very hot topic. (from finding a segway tour when you visit rome, or having a walking tour for graffitis.) Industry hasn’t yet reach its potential on internet revolution. Big players are trying to take part on the area, and it grows very quickly. There are already startups providing solutions for both online book keeping of the tours they sell and finding customers online. Resellers are produces online catalogue with user reviews and ensures customers are not hurt. In return resellers are getting huge amount of share from the pie. I believe with decentralization, the middle man (most of the time more than one) can disappear, also would let individuals to provide guide/tour services. (like airbnb experiences). Currently not much companies are able to provide online marketplace for individuals, since it doesn’t make enough profit for the middle man.

Tour providers can be evaluated by stakeholders to be able to be in the marketspace, or can be tied into a specific rating level of the buyers.

Tour providers can scan the ticket for a proof of attendance.

It can provide online marketspace It can let tour operators to use our infrastructure to store their availabilities, and provide them an api to give to another resellers. (This is one of the main issue in the industry as it just evolves to online from completely offline, you can check bookingkit.net).

For marketspace: viator.com getyourguide.com

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016073831830029X ***

http://www.arabianbusiness.com/travel-hospitality/390892-dubai-plans-to-create-blockchain-marketplace-for-tourism *** https://medium.com/@otncoin/tourism-the-next-sector-to-benefit-big-from-blockchain-solutions-2f3ff633b0f3

https://www.tnooz.com/article/tours-and-activities-reality-distribution/ https://www.danacommunications.com/tours-and-activities-market-2017/ https://www.tnooz.com/article/new-focus-on-activities-as-booking-com-partners-with-buoyant-getyourguide/

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PerryEdu commented 6 years ago

I know Airbnb and have used it and it has a huge market. Your idea is an excellent one. I have often been on holiday and arrived in a place and started asking what there was to do. Often hotels will have brochures, but locals have the most knowledge and often some of the best activities in an area are not discovered or known about by visitors. I think you have a winning idea here. Like airbnb members can provide pictures and detailed information including costs, location, contact info (phone and email) of things to do in a specific area. This would enable people to plan their trip properly before arriving so as to use their time most productively doing everything they would like to do. It would be a way for members to advertise and get pre-arranged bookings and payments for activities offered and even include booking tables at popular restaurants (with deposit) The site would have sections - each section would be an area (areas can be added by members if they are not included - a click of a button would create the new area template). Over time the site would grow exponentially. Each section could be divided into free activities and paid activities. Members who advertise paid activities would also have to contribute one free activity to the site. Members of the site who advertise paid activities would be required to pay an annual fee, for example, $25. Over time as tens of thousands join the site, the annual fees would grow to millions. I would vote for this one and possibly get a small percentage of future generated income (if that is something you would offer). Let me know what you think of my proposals - best regards

PerryEdu commented 6 years ago

One more comment I think you need to have a better name like "What to do on Your Trip"