district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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The Sessions Media DAO #294

Open Bradymck opened 3 years ago

Bradymck commented 3 years ago

The Sessions Media DAO

Note this proposal is a major WIP. Much of this is subject to change.


On the network level, the main purpose will be to cultivate multiple revenue streams through network members and other endeavors related to content creation. On the individual level, the purpose will be to give content creators more time and energy back to what what they do best so they can create content and value for the internet and the network.

This will also be an experiment taking the best parts of Web3 and mashing it together to become something rewarding that solves many pitfalls that "content creators" face. One of which being labeled a "Content Creator".

Content isn't the goal, content is the grind you need to do to build a community that stands for something. Yet many talented people get stuck in the cycle of "Makin' that content" and never build real goals and never build a following.

However "Pedestal Performers" of the past are over. "Influencer Marketing" is evolving into "Influencer Communities". And virtue signaling charity drives are shifting towards streamed grant funding and open source funding of the commons.

Enter the DAO

This shifts things toward a group that decides what charities are funded, or what causes are supported. Rather than some rando who was lucky enough to be in a movie, or get a record deal, or get a bailout deal from Microsoft during a Pandemic.

Some creators want to stand for something but simply need help finding goals, deciding what to stand for isn't exactly straight forward these days.

A DAO will help align incentives, and alleviate the early pitfalls of most creators with a mentoring community, a shared marketing and promotion group, talent development roadmaps, and grant/income opportunities. Among other possibilities within Web3.


After doing nearly 200 episodes of the Dapp Digest I feel like I'm in a position to launch my multi channel Twitch Based DAO experiment in a very healthy way with retroactive rewards. However I want to do it right. I don't want to rush things and I don't want this to turn into a cash grab opportunity for whales. However I do want it to be rewarding to my loyal fans, guests, patrons, friends, and potential investors.

I have fans who have came to nearly every episode, guests who gave me the insight to build all this, I have people who taught me how to stream and donated gear, I have people who have bought me gear and funded my VR music tours and streaming adventures, I have my team at district0x to thank for their critical thinking and keen understanding of Web3, I have my family and friends who supported me through all this. How do I give back? How to I make this something bigger than myself?

I feel like this is the answer and I feel like the timing/tools are finally right.



To build a multi-platform media organization that develops and supports the network members and shares profit with a DAO, multisig, or publicly auditable address.

This is similar to the business model of an Multi-Channel Network (MCN), a now dirty term in the content creation sphere due to the fallout of things like Maker Studios selling to Disney and leaving people behind. Many of the issues with this business model could have been solved with something as simple as transparent public accounting and DAO based decision making.

MCN info: https://www.paladinsoftware.com/blog/mcns-are-happening-theyre-also-evolving-and-thats-a-good-thing/

Most MCNs do not have technology in their DNA, and that’s a key component of providing financial transparency. This is all possible now but some pieces are still missing. Some of the first proposals for the development side of this should be building those missing pieces. Some examples listed below:

Key Problems To Solve

Potential paid services to increase revenue:

A few examples of important decision to be made by the DAO:

Facts and quotes about currently existing Stream teams and MCNs:

Many networks run a successful scaled business on revenue share margins – even if they are small – driven by volume. The key to their success is transparency in the services offered, and being a responsive and well-intentioned operator. Web3 can really up the game here even more.

The value proposition of these networks is assistance with growth and helping a burgeoning creator become a creative professional. It is not uncommon for small creators to outgrow a scaled MCN and move on to another with more high-touch services, and in fact this is a signal that the scaled network has done its job well.

Often these MCNs are focusing on geographic, language-specific, or content-specific niches to better corner regional audiences and appeal to local brands. Web3 is seriously underutilizing this target market especially with languages other than English not being tapped on streaming platforms yet.

At this stage in the evolution of MCNs and influencers have the right to expect high quality service from any network they sign with and a DAO could really offer a white glove experience if structured properly.

Many MCNs are increasingly aware of this need to offer the white glove experience, and some choose to flex their muscle if they’re not getting enough in return for a revenue share. This forces MCNs to compete on value added. When this happens, both the industry and creators win. If bounties and mentoring roadmaps were created, this could really become a micro offering within marketplaces like Ethlance, almost like services offered like on Fiverr. Everything from stream design, moderation services, direct consulting and mentoring, grant writing, marketing, and so much more.

As long as there are viewers, brand advertisers, and creators who interact in the social video space, there will be an ecosystem around it. Don’t count out MCNs playing a key role in the video future. Even if MCN is a bad word. The business model was valid, the industry players and "leaders" in the space just were opportunistic parasites. This can and should be done right in a transparent way.

The MCN is already shifting towards and MPN or Multi-Platform Network ("Support People, Not Platforms") [http://streamdaily.tv/2016/01/14/from-mcn-to-mpn-the-new-new-multi-platform-universe/]

To do:


Get investments – With the business plan and the technological infrastructure in place, we will need to reach out to potential investors get some funding. No token sales will be done unless absolutely needed for a specific purpose. Any tokens created tokens will be purely functional for token controlled access, burnable use cases, redemption, and rewards.

Aggregate channels – With all of the above in place, aggressively scout and sign channel management contracts with channels and talent that resonate with the your content strategy.

Reach out to Streaming platforms – Reach out to YouTube, Theta, Twitch, etc, (through Partner managers) with the final structure and proposal to clarify any legal preceding issues. If the platforms deem that the plan is good, we can apply for partner to get official partner status. Research multi platform channels to see how they do it (MonsterCat is a good example)

Ethereum Address (Subject to change):


laurengarcia commented 3 years ago

This all looks great. Couple suggestions:

Bradymck commented 3 years ago

@laurengarcia Yeah, I was looking at snapshot. I also wanted to use Xdai or IDchain. I know you have some strong opinions about Xdai. Do you have other suggestions for a no code way to deploy some of this? I'm all ears.

omahs commented 3 years ago

Hi! I also think that snapshot is great for voting! To avoid transaction fees, xdai is an option but this could be done on Polygon too. Hope that we can find a good scaling solution so that everyone can participate :)