district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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TRADR.COM - a marketplace that incentivises sustainable consumption and production #69

Open johnnymestizo opened 7 years ago

johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago


Tradr's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable consumption and production

Official voting platform now launched! See the results here: (https://vote.district0x.io)



Over the next 30 years the world’s population will hit nearly 10 billion people and will require 3 planets worth of resources to sustain current lifestyles.

The Tradr marketplace will educate buyers on the benefits of sustainable products, be thoughtful during the product selection process and partner with sustainable producers for affordable prices.

We will incentivise individuals to re-use / resell their unwanted products within a secondhand p2p marketplace and aggressively focus on individual waste reduction and p2p waste collection.

A transaction fee will be charged on each sale that will levy/discount products based upon their sustainability rating such as carbon footprint, resource usage and consumer necessity.


Competition & Business Model

Traditional online marketplaces charge hefty commission transaction fees of 10-15%. Due to evolving open source technology we believe this commission cost can be lowered and that fees can be charged for premium features for producers within the marketplace. Access to the the marketplace and its associated premium producer features will be gained via a Tradr token, further details to follow. This will enable Tradr to gain more user base via marketing, development and further consumer/producer integrations.

Path to Market

We look forward to partnering with d0x and Status to bring this marketplace to the masses based on the Ethereum network (hopefully POS by then - 6xGPU mining is not sustainable). Furthermore, we are actively seeking sustainable producers to 'pledge' their products to be initially listed during launch and to bring them on as initial advisors. As for consumers we hope the social aspects of this marketplace will assist in organic growth be good people who care about our little planet.

Who cares?

You may not care, but if you plan on having children then they may not be able to visit the tranquil rainforests, pristine glaciers, tropical islands that you enjoy today.

tradr marketplace

Why now?

Tradr will bring sustainable consumption and production to the masses using the Ethereum network and district0x .

Ethereum, IPFS, d0xINFRA, Aragon & Status allow Tradr to execute on a truly p2p marketplace:

Initial Producer Features

Initial Consumer Features

Consumer Dapp Screenshot (within Status Browser)


Consumer Dapp Comparison Shopping (within Status Browser)

tradr comparison 22aug17


Final Thoughts

This is a gargantuan undertaking. Transitioning a global culture of rampant consumerism into one where people think before they buy will not be an easy mission. We need all the help we can get: solidity coders, sustainability specialists, certification org/producer business devs, marketers, bearded hipster who ensures the team does not leave the light on after hours to cut down on power usage... if you are up for it just visit our website and hit us up on Slack! Or if you are on the cutting edge, chat in the public status group #tradr

District0x: Slack: @johnny Status: Public Group: #tradr (Super cool Ethereum chat client) Website: (http://tradr.com)

Updated: 5th August 2017 - Added fixes from @parag | Thanks for the help guys! Updated: 20th August 2017 - Added diagrams & pictures. Show we are consumer focused with Status Dapp. Thanks for the feedback @abonn

Comment below to provide much needed feedback

Official voting platform now launched! See the results here: (https://vote.district0x.io)


glock69 commented 7 years ago

That was very interesting

parag commented 7 years ago

I have been a fan of sustainable markets and how after being centralized we accepted using unsustainable products maximizing centralized producer markets. I know and have been certain this will be one of the priorities in future. Great to see someone putting thought right now. This is a good vision. Will look forward on how to incentivize users on using second-hand products ( one very important thing to do when promoting sustainable products. ).

My upvote for sure as the problem is strong and need to be solved. I am a believer that if community picks right problems, eventually they end up solving it one way or other if they are smart.

abonn commented 7 years ago

Hi, please see my district proposal @ https://github.com/district0x/district-proposals/issues/44 which is somewhat similar. I focused on using the District0x platform to provide a digital marketplace for material wastes in urban environments. I think your proposal is quite bold and of course love to see more discussion about the potential of this technology to push sustainability further.

A few questions though, you mentioned the creation of a global product database which includes data on carbon footprint, water usage, etc. How do you realistically plan on making this happen? Will you conduct life cycle assessments for individual products which aren't already listed in databases? There may be some room for automation here but this processing is usually quite intensive and very dependent on the region from which the product is consumed and produced.

I'd like to chat about this further - find me in the District0x slack @ a.bonneau


johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago

Agreed that obtaining accurate product information will be difficult, however I believe enforcing a rigorous process with suppliers to ensure their sustainability data is valid will be part of the challenge.

There are a variety of sustainability certification bodies that were are carefully analysing to see if we can leverage existing compliance systems for sustainable production.

This ongoing verification with suppliers will be a difficult challenge however we are confident that our project can overcome this.

Please click “desktop version” at the bottom of the page to add your “thumbs up” as a vote so we can get this project off the ground.

quantumdwayne commented 7 years ago

I like the idea and theres certainly some overlap with Ethtrade, an eCommerce platform built for using cryptocurrency. I see no reason why we can't work together on this though as I do think the environment and sustainability needs to be a key focus all businesses have going forward.

cyrotiv commented 7 years ago

This is a great concept but faces (1) implementation gap and (2) adoption hurdle. tradr on a high level, (1) is a function of the existing platforms tradr depends on and technological expertise, which could be solved given time and funding. (2) is tough - it requires BOTH producers and buyers to be convinced and get involved. We need to discuss and rationalise (2).

johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago

@cyrotiv agreed this is a very ambitious project. The technical hurdles are surmountable. Would you like to discuss (2) on Slack as I have some ideas to get over adoption hurdle.

abonn commented 7 years ago

Hi, just came across the Materials Marketplace initiative which recently won a Circular Economy award from Circulars last year. They are basically doing what your proposal is stating though they rely on a centralized cloud platform. http://materialsmarketplace.org

johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago

Thanks @abonn : 1) Tradr will focus on educating end consumers about sustainability & we use a mobile Status Dapp to do it (whereas MM is more B2B large scale waste via desktop web) 2) Tradr enforces producer compliance to sustainability certifications using Ethereum smart contracts (MM does not do this) --- UPDATE 20-AUG-17: CHECKOUT THE NEW STATUS DAPP MOCKUPS!

Farmerjohn2022 commented 7 years ago

We set up an ethical cheese making venture on our farm. The quality gained us many awards but the pressure of success has over come us and we have had to stop production. Is there away our problems can be a benefit. Ringwould Dairy is our name Ringwould Jaguar is a horse we bred as well if you see that on a google search. Ringwould Village is the family connection and their historical society endorsed the use of the villages name.

johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago

Hi @Farmerjohn2022 thanks for the feedback. We will absolutely be working with producers like yourself who deliver products and services in a sustainable manner.

johnnymestizo commented 7 years ago

22TH AUG 2017 UPDATE - We have added the 'favourite' and 'sustainability rating' buttons to the comparison shopping mobile dapp screenshot. Check it out!

Bradymck commented 7 years ago

From Slack conversation:

Technical question 1: The sustainability fee. This would involve an ETH contract executing when a transaction occurs It looks up a database I’m guessing, saying does this producer comply with regulatory environment certification XYZ? And will probably use some other data sources Then if the product is sustainable it will discount it for the consumer, if wasteful it will charge a fee The surplus or debit would come out of a funding pool held on the platform

A: I think a more centralized approach here would be better, but utilizing upcoming ventures like the internet of agreements from Vinay Gupta would help helpful. He has also spoke about building a programmable regulatory API so you can query the system and request a yes or no response on compliance concerns. This is a long way off and i feel this is a great place to start building but I think a centralized market would actually do better as there is really no need to have this on an immutable database. Though the regulatory query system would need to be used as this seems to be what you are describing here. Even Vinay has said this would take at least a decade to develop. But what you are describing is a great endeavor and no time frame should discourage. i would actually recommend solidifying this idea and submitting to Vinay's VC company personally. Do make this rock solid first though.

Second question: Will tradr benefit from the voting platform of D0x or is it just the ecommerce aspects of it

A: I think the market could work well if you utilize a curation market for sustainability consensus if modeled in a way that gives incentive to people that upvote more sustainable products as a temporary solution before a programmable regulatory API could be utilized to gain certification.

As far as the voting aspect, I will think on this more and keep an eye on other projects. I'm not sure a district would work well, especially as you are at the whims of voters to sway your project in favor of personal gain. I almost think taking charge of the environment is going to take a hardcore benevolent dictator approach. People do not agree on the environment.

Excuse the terminology but you need to take charge and cram this idea down people's throat with a no brainer approach or people just will not do it because humans are stubborn and often not intelligent in large herds. Sadly. 😢

But as you point out, for people with children this is a visceral and deeply important thing. Hence the need to not care what people's opinion is and find a way to force it on people in a way that actually becomes their job to take care of themselves and the environment. This is not an easy one especially if you are adding friction of blockchains and P2P markets.

I do think you should continue with this and the curation maket model could be a temporary solution so I think you need an entry point for starting the project and building a revenue model.

One thing that stood out to me in your proposal was the recycling incentive and P2P nature of what you want to do. My first thought was metal and plastic recycling being funneled to distributed manufacturing facilities like 3d printing communities online. My proposal may be in line with this and offer a good starting point: #76

And if you can start there you could begin moving the ball forward each day with new ideas and experiments in terms of incentive alignment. This would get the circular model going with recycling and manufacturing. So in this example you would start with plastic. Take the open source plastic recycling ideas and create 3d printer filament. Then a 3D printing market could be deployed. Then you could build of this revenue model to begin moving into new markets

Also, if you are launching on blockchain and platforms like status you are increasing friction out of the gate. Again, I'm not sure a decentralized approach would work unless you are building a value extraction component specifically to pay people rather than giving a discount. Business to consumer payment models could really fuel this if you did it programatically and in a way that keeps your company rolling.

I think an important factor of using an immutable ledger like a blockchain would be to create total transparency so you would be eligible to file as a benefit corporation. A B-corp is kinda like being between a corporation and a non profit. You get to raise equity, you are not legally beholden to your share holders as a sole focus and unlike a non profit you can be profitable still. The issue here is that you get no tax breaks but if you partnered with different government recycling programs yo may take off in a big way, eliminate the regulatory concerns of distributed manufacturing and possibly even get government grants to help fuel things. Just spit balling here.

Do please keep thinking and I will do the same, if i see other proposals in synergy or that could offer a market component to help fuel this I will comment here.

johnnymestizo commented 6 years ago

Update 10th Sep 2017 - We are building our MVP in Wordpress will conduct initial market testing shortly! Will let you know when it is ready. It will achieve the following: 1) Determine if consumers will pay a premium price for sustainable products on our marketplace 2) Determine if producers will list on our marketplace 3) Determine if collectors will provide waste/logistics service to our marketplace Exciting times!

Bradymck commented 4 years ago

Hey there,

I'm not sure if you're aware but we recently launched a new bounty to migrate your proposals to the actual District Registry: https://registry.district0x.io/

We're replacing the old voting app with the registry. Let me know if you need help but I would love to see you migrate this over so you can claim your DNT.

It does take a 10,000 DNT submit to submit your proposal but this gives you an extra 2000 you can stake in the registry beyond the deposit amount.

Hit me up on Telegram or Discord if you need help or have questions.

Telegram: https://t.me/district0x/75217 Discord: https://discord.gg/P9RQejv

PS, please excuse the canned response. I am encouraging everyone here to start migrating so they can claim their 12000 DNT.