district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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DP #8: Buddy System #8

Closed derrickachen closed 6 years ago

derrickachen commented 7 years ago

Name: [Buddy System]- this is a placeholder for a better name, suggestions welcome!

Proposer: Bitbytes on Slack

Purpose: Crypto is growing rapidly as we've reached an inflection point for wider awareness and adoption, but the barriers to getting started are still high and the environment is highly volatile with daily changes that make keeping up difficult. We early adopters (all of us that use crypto now, actually) remember that initial rush of drinking from the firehose of information on how to actually use crypto, how to secure it, where to learn about it and what might be done with it in the future. At the same time, we've spread the word to family and friends, sharing our excitement. This District would be a mentoring community for bringing newbies into crypto safely and easily, crowdsourcing the best resources we find to help our friends so others can use them for their friends, hopefully with the latest and best tools, techniques and information sources.

Examples of the types of information I've help friends with where this would be helpful:

The idea is that things are rapidly changing, so it would be great to leverage what others are doing to help us do our job with our own friends better.

Description: There would be 3 components for this community:

  1. A network graph of mentors and friends/followers, this might have a points system for measuring influence or value contribution, to be developed.

  2. A private communication channel to serve as a consistent protected messaging area for questions and answers - maybe similar to Slack but for a small number of users. This is the one place you can go to remember what that advice on what was said before or ask then next question. This is where integration with Status.IM would be very helpful.

  3. A publicly accessible area for the best resources crowdsourced and rated by mentors and maybe also by followers - this could leverage information from the Help District as proposed, but also from around the web. I think the best initial configuration for this might be Reddit like, with resources linked and ranked, with a comment area for debate and nuance. The idea is not to try to create a best of the web infomercial, but to continually surface the best tools, techniques, explanations and ideas because mentors need them to help their followers.

Over time mentors can develop their brand as experts and develop public followings, but the main purpose here is to help all of us introduce our friends to this new world based on the trust we already have in the real world, and communicate personal information securely but not in emails, texts, etc that results in a disjointed stream of hard to find information. Obviously this would not include sharing private keys or personal data.

I just think this is an amazing time to get involved but the info overload is almost impossible. This community could be a step in the right direction to mass adoption as tools get better and world events make the value of cryptocurrencies more apparent. And of course for any holder/believer in crypto, any step towards mass adoption is a step towards increasing token value, usage and ultimately freedom in finances and expression.

Token Issuance: I am proposing a two tier model for this District to encourage both groups of participants to get more engaged. When joining the community, all users will receive a large amount of small value ERC20 tokens for play/practice token like Dogecoin. Because I don't like the feel of tipping/begging, I'd like to propose a cross-District cooperation with MemeFactory with newbies using their play currency to collect and trade a special series of unique digital collectibles. The reward token for mentors would have governance responsibilities, and other benefits to be determined, as these users would have invested time and effort to build the community and should have a voice in the District's decisions.

Expansion Possibilities: This type of mentoring system does not have to be limited to learning crypto, it could also apply to other areas as well. At first I envision this to be an aid to mentoring others, in both online and offline contexts, for areas of passionate interest. Ultimately, if enough areas of interest could be developed, I believe this could become a community based About.com with guides leading others into the fascinating intricacies of their particular areas on passion.

BC-DouglasGP commented 7 years ago

i got to support this, i was blown away with the revolutionary idea that blockchain represents and even more with the ethereum ecosystem since february; but as a total noob to this space even now im struggling to participate in a proper manner as a trader/investor/supporter/etc thats so much info to digest that you get lost one way or the other, I will appreciate so much any kind of guidance on the matter. And i am definetly sure im not the only newcomer who had to face this steep learning curve

BC-DouglasGP commented 7 years ago

as a way to contribute mayb it can be named EAA (Early Adopter Academy) and graduates have the rigths and credentials to participate in district0x University and Advisor Programs as an incentive to colaborate and participate. Maybe implement too a think tank for ppl with small or none coding skills to support with concepts or ideas about known issues or workarounds on a especific matters and let the ppl with the right skills analyze the viability of those ideas that way more ppl will get involved and the community will grow stronger

ItsmeeBosslady commented 7 years ago

So I like this idea a lot, I've thought of something similar....I was calling it the Money N.O.W. Network

Connecting through crypto - The New and Old Ways of thinking about money Mentors and students will really learn from each other...Through Livestreams, MeetUps, Un-Conferences, :)

RE Expansion Possibilties - One example would be : Content creators with educational material reserved for patreons could offer a number of free courses to qualified applicants in exchange for the students creating unique marketing content about their experiences.

Now the student furthered their education and gained on the job experience at the same time... And the Mentor/Teacher ( if they're any good anyway ) will gain new clients and mentees lol :))

ItsmeeBosslady commented 7 years ago

@BC-DouglasGP I like that name suggestion - Early Adopter Academy - E.A.A Not to be confused with E.E.A. ( Ethereum Enterprise Alliance for the noobs lol )

And University, Advisor, those are good too.

tfg615 commented 7 years ago

One thought I have about this is having "approved mentors" who also have "guardian mentors". So like a chain, one mentor might help one newbie. That mentor (Mentor A) him/herself will have another independent mentor (Mentor B) who helps ensure that Mentor A is acting in an appropriate and responsible way. If any mentor steals from the newbie it will ruin the system. A chained mentor system of some form might help ensure bad characters can be weeded out before they reach a newbie. For example, on Slack you have folks communicating about who is a scammer and who is not. It will be important you have some sort of protection system under this system as well. Upvoted!

AngeloAdam commented 7 years ago

@derrickachen please send me a direct message on district slack regarding your proposal. @angelo

Bradymck commented 6 years ago

The ‘Elaborate’ tag has now been added. If you would like to add more detail or development we can reopen. After you have developed your idea more, you will need to reach out to Brady directly on Slack, Telegram, or Reddit to have it reopened.

A closed proposal will only be reopened if a significant amount of effort has been put into developing the idea. A sure fire way to get your proposal reopened is to make mock ups, wireframes or other content that can better conceptualize your idea. Technical details of what tools or processes will also be considered if they are sound and realistic approaches.