district0x / ethlance

Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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After I minted ERC20 for myself, can't create a job with that #428

Open madvas opened 3 months ago

madvas commented 3 months ago

I minted ERC20 here: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/tx/0x2680a0d912c390be86064bfea907d7e32b9c965060edb6c11b53b5b6221c7d91

I get failing tx:


madis commented 3 months ago

Looks like a syncer issue. I did the same: 1) minted ERC20 (note: the https://ethlance.qa.district0x.io/dev/contract-ops amount entry for ERC20 needs to be 100x greater than the amount you want, to account for the 2 decimal places that the TEST uses) 2) created a job 3) Tx was mined successfully (UI logged it in development console) but back-end doesn't have the information

I think the solution could be to add a health-check endpoint - e.g. if an event comes in (detected by syncer) but doesn't get processed, then the service can mark it as being in bad state and I can then investigate and/or restart it.

Additionally, to reduce the possible points that can fail, I could extract the syncer part out and start it as a separate process. But it's not very clear (due to lacking evidence of what's causing the issue) if it would help.