district0x / governance

Proposals for governance of the district0x Network and its districts
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

DGP 6: District Mergers, Consolidations, Sell Offs, and Bankruptcy #6

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

As the ecosystem of District0x matures there will very likely be immense competition between districts trying to solve similar problems via different solutions. Like most new economies a large number of players will enter the market to test out their model or business plan trying to outmaneuver their competition in the space. As markets mature there is typically a consolidation/contraction phase that sees many small players in the market drop out or get acquired until an oligopoly (or monopoly if a government allows it) stabilizes and matures the market.

I am opening this issue up to start brainstorming the needs of this market evolution. I am sure there are more topics that could be added to this and I look forward to your suggestions: