district0x / governance

Proposals for governance of the district0x Network and its districts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DGP 7: New utility for DNT tokens - advertisements #7

Open Jackzhy opened 6 years ago

Jackzhy commented 6 years ago


Many people in the community express their concern about the utility of DNT tokens. So I want to propose a new utility for DNT tokens. Also I hope this utility will help the development of destrict0x project.


I propose to add a advertisements section on the top of each destrict's DAPP. People have to use DNT token to get their product listed on the top of DAPP. For example, if I was a name bazaar user with a nice domain "dntwallet" and there is an advertisements system for name bazaar. I would pay DNT token to the system to list my offer of "dntwallet" at top of name bazaar page, so other traders can easily notice it when they are using name bazaar.

Besides, I suggest the advertisements system to be a all time auction, so the fee will totally be transparent and due to the market. Anyone offters the largest amount of DNT tokens will get list on top for a period of time(one day..etc.). After the last advertisements end, the system will pick the next highest price bidder's offer to list on the top. These "advertisements listing fee" can be interests return to DNT holders or used for district0x project further development.

Alternative listing fee plans:

Since DNT might not design for a currency usage. People can just pay eth in the advertisement system, and the team can distribute them to DNT holders. Or the team can simply use the eth to buy back DNT tokens from the market and lock them for future development.