distriqt / AIR-ImageScripts

Scripts to generate iOS and Android icons and default launch images
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asset.car not created and some icon files missing #11

Open cybomon opened 1 year ago

cybomon commented 1 year ago

It makes the icon files but it seems to fail at asset.car creation:

Assets.car: AppIcon created generate_appicon: AlternateIcon.appiconset doesn't exist - creating new icon set Assets.car: AlternateIcon created Assets.car: launch screen Assets.car: actool Assets.car: actool complete cp: /Users/%user%/Documents/AIR-ImageScripts-master/.air-icon-generation-tmp/Assets.car: No such file or directory

And then the folder out structure looks very different than the example: it has icons but no asset.car and missing some icons


marchbold commented 1 year ago

Check that you have been through the setup process and installed imagemagik, Xcode and the build tools.


Note you need a recent release of Xcode, we currently suggest using 14.

cybomon commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks xcode version was the issue.

pavelzmolik commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have installed imagemagick and other dependencies on macOS Sonoma and XCODE 15 (no older versions allowed on Sonoma) and tried compile Assets.car and launchsreen All icons are generated, launchsreen is created but Assets.car is not. Can be problem in the new Xcode version? I had to also modify the generate.sh file because of deprecated convert method. replace "convert" to "magick". Can you tell me please if it works with Sonoma Mac OS and Xcode 15?

Mac-mini-705:air_apps pavelzmolik$ sh ./generate.sh icon_1024.png launch_3x.png "#ff0000"
Generating icons
Generating Assets.car
 - Assets.car: Icons
delete /Users/pavelzmolik/desktop/air_apps/.air-icon-generation-tmp
delete /Users/pavelzmolik/desktop/air_apps/.air-icon-generation-assets/build
 - Assets.car: AppIcon created
 - Assets.car: launch screen
 - Assets.car: actool
 - Assets.car: actool complete
cp: /Users/pavelzmolik/desktop/air_apps/.air-icon-generation-tmp/Assets.car: No such file or directory
========== COMPLETE ==============

thanks for the answer. I also attach generate.sh file generate.sh.zip

marchbold commented 2 months ago

Did you install the build tools as well as Xcode?

pavelzmolik commented 2 months ago

Did you install the build tools as well as Xcode?

I have installed all the dependencies mentioned at the tutorial.. But I suspect the incompatibility of xCode 15, because when I want to create Assets.car via xCode 15, I have to load 1024x1024 icon only (other one for launchscreen.storyboard) but no need to load smaller icon dimensions(e.g. 29x29, 72x72 and so on). So maybe this can be the reason why the Assets.car file is not created(all the separate icons are created correctly)

marchbold commented 2 months ago

Can you check the update I've just submitted. I couldn't see any reason the old script wouldn't work with 15. It was running well in our tests. However I did do some minor updates with icon sizes and increased the minimum version to 12 so see if that helps you.