distriqt / ANE-Adverts-Mediation

Mediation adapters for the Adverts ANE
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Facebook Audience network crash ios App on start #16

Closed shaymolho closed 3 years ago

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

Hi @marchbold ,

We're trying to integrate facebook mediation. we succeeded to do so on Android, everything works fine, but on iOS soon as i'm adding the extension to the app descriptor the build succeed but the app crashes immediately on launch.

I tried to remove all other ANEs and keep only Adverts and Facebook Audience mediation but the app still crashes on launch.

Looking on the ios console log i don't see any hints explaining the problem.

I'm attaching the ios console log, app name is: com.wizits.buddiesStagingQa


Thanks, Shay

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Nothing stands out in the logs, could you post the crash report as well?

Did you add the GADApplicationIdentifier key to your info additions, i.e. does Adverts work without the Facebook Audience mediator?

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

Hi @marchbold

I do have a GADApplicationIdentifier, and Adverts work on production without any problem without the Facebook Audience mediator.

Attaching the crash report, This have more data - maybe you can find the problem with that: SlotagramApplication-2020-09-13-160159.txt

I have a question regarding the implementation: I've added the Frameworks folder under the build folder, do i need to do anything else with this folder and its files?

image I also didn't understand what you mean in dylib files

Thanks, Shay

marchbold commented 3 years ago

The crash implies you aren't packaging the FBAudienceNetwork.framework in your application.

You need to make sure it is included with your build, not just in the build directory but that the Frameworks directory is included in the package command.

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

OK Can you explain how to so?

This is my package command:

-package -target 'ipa-ad-hoc'
-useLegacyAOT yes
-provisioning-profile 'D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/config/buddies/Buddies_staging_qa.mobileprovision'
-storetype PKCS12
-keystore 'D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/config/Slotagram_dev.p12'
-storepass 'password'
-C D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/target Frameworks
-C D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/target assets
-C D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/src/main/resources/buddies/root_ios .
-extdir .

I've added this line to add the Facebook frameworks: -C D:\Jenkins\jobs\slotagram-build-qa\workspace\webapp\flex\slotagram-mobile-boot2/target Frameworks

and this is the error i got: Error: FBAudienceNetwork.framework does not have an executable

What is the correct way to do so?

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Sounds like you have a corrupted framework, try downloading it again from the repository?

shaymolho commented 3 years ago

Hi @marchbold You were right. For some reason some of the files were not copied to the build directory.

Fixed it, and build succeed. then I resigned the app, And everything is working. Superb!

Closing the issue Thank you