distriqt / ANE-Adverts-Mediation

Mediation adapters for the Adverts ANE
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Build error adding TapJoy mediation #27

Closed mwelk closed 3 years ago

mwelk commented 3 years ago

When adding the com.distriqt.admob.TapJoy extension the build fails with the following error:

aapt tool failed:ERROR: Unable to open class file C:\...\con\tapjoy\Manifest.java: No such file or directory

Platform and lib versions: AIR: ANE-Adverts: 12.0.009 ANE-Adverts-Mediation: v5.3.0 Build-OS: Windows 10

marchbold commented 3 years ago

That path looks very odd, can you elaborate on your build process and what other ane's etc you may have ?

mwelk commented 3 years ago

The error message appears only while adding the TapJoy ane. The path was shorten by me for the issue reporting but the "con\tapjoy\Manifest.java" is still weird.

We have a lot of other ANE's in this project:

com.distriqt.Application: 6.5.051
com.distriq.Firebase: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.Core: 6.3.023
androidx.core: 1.5.0
androidx.appcompat: 1.5.0
androidx.browser: 1.5.0
androidx.cardview: 1.5.0
androidx.recyclerview: 1.5.0
androidx.transition: 1.5.0
androidx.constraintlayout: 1.5.0
androidx.vectordrawable: 1.5.0
androidx.multidex: 1.5.0
androidx.room: 1.5.0
androidx.work: 1.5.0
com.google.android.material: 1.5.0
com.google.android.datatransport: 1.5.0
com.google.dagger: 1.5.0
com.google.protobuflite: 1.5.0
com.google.guava: 1.5.0
com.google.code.gson: 1.5.0
io.grpc: 1.5.0
io.reactivex: 1.5.0
com.android.installreferrer: 1.5.0
com.google.firebase.core: 26.3.0
com.google.android.play: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.Base: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.Auth: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.Identity: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.Ads: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.AdsIdentifier: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.playservices.CloudMessaging: 26.3.0
com.distriqt.firebase.Auth: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.firebase.RemoteConfig: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.firebase.Crashlytics: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.firebase.Performance: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.firebase.DynamicLinks: 6.0.003
com.distriqt.square.okhttp: 4.0.001
com.distriqt.square.okhttp3: 4.0.001
com.distriqt.square.picasso: 4.0.001
com.distriqt.Adverts: 12.0.009
com.distriqt.admob.IronSource: 5.3.0
com.distriqt.admob.UnityAds: 5.3.0
com.distriqt.admob.AppLovin: 5.3.0
com.distriqt.admob.FacebookAudience: 5.3.0
com.distriqt.admob.TapJoy: 5.3.0
com.distriq.RestartApp: 3.0.013
com.distriq.InAppBilling: 13.0.037
com.distriqt.facebook.Core: 9.0.011
com.distriqt.facebook.Login: 9.0.011
com.distriqt.Bolts: 4.1.033
com.distriqt.GoogleIdentity: 5.2.002
com.distriqt.Dialog: 8.4.094
com.distriqt.PushNotifications.FCM: 10.2.043
com.distriqt.NetworkInfo: 4.1.010
com.distriqt.NativeWebView: 5.2.378
com.distriqt.AppleSignIn: 2.2.088
com.distriqt.Share: 7.0.008
com.distriqt.Memory: 4.0.009
com.distriqt.IDFA: 5.0.028
com.distriq.ApplicationRater: 6.0.011
marchbold commented 3 years ago

What version of Java are you using?

mwelk commented 3 years ago

It's the same with version 1.8.0_211 and 1.8.0_241

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Bit lost, not sure what to suggest here.

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Just to confirm this error appears only after adding the com.distriqt.admob.TapJoy extension to your application and the associated manifest additions? ie no other changes?

mwelk commented 3 years ago

Yes, no other additions.

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Can you elaborate on your build process?

mwelk commented 3 years ago

There is nothing special. We use gradlefx to build the application.

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Okay, just I can't replicate this issue. Have you tried building without using gradlefx?

mwelk commented 3 years ago

No, not yet, but I will try it.

mwelk commented 3 years ago

Same result :-( I searched in the ANE package for con.tapjoy from the error report and found it in the platform.xml files of the Android directories. It looks lie a typo and ADT is not able to resolve this package name.

mwelk commented 3 years ago

Just changed the con.tapjoy to com.tapjoy in the platform.xml files inside the ANE and now it's building again.

marchbold commented 3 years ago

Hmmm apologies appears we have a build in testing that has fixed that issue and I was testing with that.

I'll roll out this latest round of updates today.

mwelk commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks!